Re: Why Isn't GNU Radio Used More?

Hi Patrik;

Actually, within companies I have been associated with I have seen some
of the divisions that Colby notes - both in the GNURadio context and in
the context of other engineering / scientific packages. Some of my work
involves getting the three groups to a common basis.

Your comment does touch on other application domains for GNURadio. The
reality is that GNURadio is a near realtime SDF package. For
instance, I can think of one application - multi channel high bandwidth
sonar - for which GNURadio would be usefull. But, of course, in that
case GNURadio would have to be renamed GNUSonar! :slight_smile:

On Mon, 9 May 2011, Patrik T. wrote:

what ever satellites, etc

themselves out of a wet paper bag, for the most part. This is what I
have seen in industry and academia.

  1. Software people get lost in all the digital comm and signal
    processing lingo. While they can program, they really don’t understand
    what each block actually does.

  2. Hardware people also get lost in the digital comm stuff, and also
    some of the software. However, they tend to be less confused than the
    ‘maths’ people on the programming aspect


Peter F Bradshaw: (public keys avaliable there).
Personal site:
“I love truth, and the way the government still uses it occasionally to
keep us guessing.” - Sam Kekovich.


Here at CEL, the majority of student’s projects are done using

In that case, what hardware are your students using with MATLAB/Simulink?

Most use USRPs, but we also have some Lyrtech SFF SDRs.

If this can be generalized, then the academic situation seems good then.
Matt has solved the foremost problem: get
hardware into circulation and bring in some revenue. Then the question
is how to gain wider academic acceptance on
the software side. Since Mathworks and NI are arch rivals, I would
think NI is looking at how to do this and giving
Matt the assistance he needs. Maybe better Win support, as others have
mentioned. Maybe adding things that leverage
the hardware and the student version of Simulink isn’t going to do, such
as user-defined Verilog code blocks that run
on the FPGA (and are easy to use from a Win GUI).
