Real World Scalability and Ruby - Top 20

On Sun, 10 Sep 2006 10:35:25 -0700, Tim S.
[email protected] wrote:

Worse, it misses sites like the iTunes Music Store completely, which is
a huge enterprise application. iTMS is a Webobjects application, so is
running on J2EE.

On what grounds do you state that Amazon “uses a lot of J2EE” ???

Can you give us a link or something ?

Seeing as they seem to always be looking for web devs with Perl & Mason
skills, I’m just wondering how that fits into your “a lot of J2EE” …

Looking @ the job ads from Amazon, I see lots of C++, Java & Perl jobs

I think they’re using a bit of all 3 ( but if you look at the web
developer stuff, seems to be more heavily perl/mason than either of the
others. )

Anyways … was just wanting to know where you get your information


On 10 Sep 2006, at 22:15, Robert D. wrote:

running on J2EE.
you back with the URIs for the two Objective-C versions, but just
cannot get
my hands on my last Linux-Mag France.
One obviously is GNU-Step, but the other…, sorry :frowning:

iTMS/AppleStore/.Mac was written in WebObjects, right - and
originally in the Objective C version. WebObjects converted to Java
(not J2EE) years ago, although some users continue to run the ObjC
version of WebObjects, because of philosophical objections to Java
(nothing new there).

I believe, but can’t confirm, that Apple’s internal WebObjects apps
were converted to the Java version of WebObjects.

There is no ‘free’ version of ObjC WebObjects; GNUstep is not
WebObjects. There are some OSS implementations based on ObjC, with
and without GNUstep, but nothing that is feature complete and

The current version of WebObjects (Java) is ‘free’, as it comes with
XCode, but is not Open Source.


“Joseph” [email protected] writes:

11 Windows 2000/2003
PERL, Proprietary, Java J2EEE

"eBay is running a crapload of Java… they used to be a solid ASP site
(pre-.NET) but switched to Java because the ASP stuff scaled
horribly…the site has Sun/Java branding…it’s probably safe to
assume Java’s involved. " Charles Nutter

yes, lots of Java, I can confirm.

Surendra S.,
Read my blog at:
| “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
| – Orwell, Animal Farm, 1945

On 9/10/06, Paul L. [email protected] wrote:

Worse, it misses sites like the iTunes Music Store completely,
I had the very faint hope that a free version of Webobjects was
(not J2EE) years ago, although some users continue to run the ObjC

The current version of WebObjects (Java) is ‘free’, as it comes with
XCode, but is not Open Source.


Just found it - my Linux Mag-, yep it is quite old (June 2004) but it is
talking about NGObjWeb and there is GNUstepWeb (sorry for having been
inprecise), but all references seem quite old (<= 2004) so there
probably is
no Objective-C implementation of WebObjects anymore. at least none
SKYRIX (who was developpong NGObjWeb) seems to be more concentrated on
propriatary SW now.
What a pitty, sorry for the OT noise. (Well the whole thread is anyway


Deux choses sont infinies : l’univers et la bêtise humaine ; en ce qui
concerne l’univers, je n’en ai pas acquis la certitude absolue.

  • Albert Einstein

On 11 Sep 2006, at 20:06, Robert D. wrote:

my hands on my last Linux-Mag France.
Just found it - my Linux Mag-, yep it is quite old (June 2004) but
it is
talking about NGObjWeb and there is GNUstepWeb (sorry for having been
inprecise), but all references seem quite old (<= 2004) so there
probably is
no Objective-C implementation of WebObjects anymore. at least none
SKYRIX (who was developpong NGObjWeb) seems to be more concentrated on
propriatary SW now.
What a pitty, sorry for the OT noise. (Well the whole thread is
anyway :wink:

The closest thing I am aware of is SOPE (http://
SKYRiX Object Publishing Environment), which is a superset of NGObjWeb.
This is what I was referring to as “not very compatible” with
WebObjects - mostly because the database layer is rather different,
but other reasons apply as well; SOPE is still active. It is just
that Skyrix split SOPE into the opengroupware site. To put it into
perspective, you might think that SOPE is to WebObjects as Rails
without ActiveRecord is to full Rails. Kinda.

The last news post at was dated 2003 :(.
