[RedBrdige] What would you like, singleton, thread local or single thread?

On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Thomas E Enebo [email protected]

Yoko, can you add this change to jruby-embed.jar from before you
merged jruby-embed with trunk and put out a new release?

I’m just done with that. The new version of JRuby Embed,
jruby-embed-0.1.3.jar, is
http://kenai.com/projects/jruby-embed/downloads. Sources are also
updated and available to download at
http://kenai.com/projects/jruby-embed/sources/sources/. You can use
either compiled archive or sources to build by maven. This version is
identical to JRuby trunk, but I confirmed it worked well on JRuby

After that we can update the poms and add the new jar to build_lib on
1.4 branch (I can do this part once you have a new release out).

Will you update jruby-embed.jar to build_lib, Tom?


We probably want to merge this into 1.4 as well, don’t we? With a big

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On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Yoko H. [email protected] wrote:

identical to JRuby trunk, but I confirmed it worked well on JRuby

One more thing. You should add a tag in your repository. I used
latest rev to maven deploy your release, which should be safe since
you are the only person commiting to what amounts to an end-of-life

git tag {tag}
git push --tags # <---- This one bit me for a while

I am using the maven deployed .jar for build_lib versus your released
file since that will match a maven compile.

After that we can update the poms and add the new jar to build_lib on
1.4 branch (I can do this part once you have a new release out).

Will you update jruby-embed.jar to build_lib, Tom?

Just testing it now. Thanks Yoko,


default value. I switched the default value of LocalContextScope from
embedding for the various threading setups (Rob’s plan). That fits

blog: http://blog.enebo.com twitter: tom_enebo
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On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Thomas E Enebo [email protected]

One more thing. You should add a tag in your repository. I used
latest rev to maven deploy your release, which should be safe since
you are the only person commiting to what amounts to an end-of-life

git tag {tag}
git push --tags # <---- This one bit me for a while

Thank you, Tom. I totally forgot about that. Now, jruby-embed has two
tags, 0.1.2 and 0.1.3.

I am using the maven deployed .jar for build_lib versus your released
file since that will match a maven compile.

I believe you could build .jar easily using jruby-embed’s pom.xml.

Just testing it now. Thanks Yoko,

I’m hoping all your tests will pass successfully.


[email protected] wrote:

this in a future release if people think it is unexpected behavior.

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