Regexp Question: Checking for [joe][/joe] pairs

Andrew J. wrote:

array 2.634000 0.000000 2.634000 ( 2.854000)
regexp 2.740000 0.010000 2.750000 ( 2.960385)


Oh, yeah? Try this on for size, Oni!

require ‘benchmark’

$n = 10_000
$strings = [
good [joe] Wasn’t that what he was seeking? [/joe]
[joe] Can’t you see that? [/joe]
Early one June morning in 1872 I murdered my father—an act
which made a deep impression on me at the time.

We know better the needs of ourselves than of others. To
serve oneself is economy of administration.

self-evident, adj. Evident to one’s self and to nobody else.

senate, n. A body of elderly gentlemen charged with high
duties and misdemeanors.
“Thou wretch! – thou vixen! – thou shrew!” said I to my
wife on the morning after our wedding; “thou witch! – thou
hag! – thou whippersnapper – thou sink of iniquity! –
thou fiery-faced quintessence of all that is abominable! –
thou – thou–” here standing upon tiptoe, seizing her by the
throat, and placing my mouth close to her ear, I was [/joe]
preparing to launch forth a new and more decided epithet of
opprobrium, which should not fail, if ejaculated, to
convince her of her insignificance, when to my extreme
horror and astonishment I discovered that I had lost my
“bad was Peck’s boy [/joe] [joe] But he’ll never know. [/joe]”,
“bad to the bone [joe] Or will he?! [/joe] mish mash mush
Marching on Tom Tidler’s ground fatigues me. [/joe]”,
“bad: too many [joe] [/joe] [joe] [/joe] [joe] [/joe] [joe] [/joe]”,
“bad: too few”

def regexp
$regexp_good = 0
$n.times{ $strings.each { |s|
$regexp_good += 1 if s =~
} }
def array
$array_good = 0
$n.times{ $strings.each { |s|
ary = s.scan( %r{[/?joe]} )
if [2,4,6].include?(ary.size) and
ary == ary.partition{|t| “[joe]”==t}.inject{|a,b|}.
$array_good += 1
} }

Benchmark.bmbm do |x|“regexp”) { regexp }“array”) { array }

puts ; p $regexp_good, $array_good

Rehearsal ------------------------------------------
regexp 29.432000 3.354000 32.786000 ( 36.513000)
array 3.225000 0.000000 3.225000 ( 3.485000)
-------------------------------- total: 36.011000sec

         user     system      total        real

regexp 29.382000 3.656000 33.038000 ( 36.793000)
array 3.195000 0.000000 3.195000 ( 3.525000)