Respond_to not detecting JS turned on. form_to_remote probl

I’m trying to use respond_to to redirect visitors who have JS turned off
to a different page. The problem I’m having is that respond_to is
sending everybody there. It’s not recognizing that JS is turned on in
the browser. The wanted_html.rhtml file below is rendered whether I’ve
got JS turned on or off. I’ve looked at the Accept headers being sent
from the form_remote_tag button using Live HTTP Headers. The headers
are exactly the same whether JS is turned on or off. That seems wierd.

Another wierd thing. When the form is submitted, in the Firebug
console, I see a POST, then it disappears. I put the sleep() call in
below to verify. The POST is there until the respond_to is evaluated.
Then the POST disappears from the console. Any ideas? I’ll post the
code below. TIA.


----- Controller -----

class CreateController < ApplicationController

def index

def edit
respond_to do |wants|
wants.html { redirect_to :action => ‘wanted_html’ }
wants.js { render }

def wanted_html


----- Views -----

— index.rhtml —

Click the button to test the respond_to method

<%= form_remote_tag :url => {:action => ‘edit’} %>

<%= submit_tag 'Test', :disable_with => "Please Wait" %>
<%= end_form_tag %>

— edit.rjs —
page.alert “You made it with JS turned on!”

— wanted_html.rhtml —
respond_to says you don’t have JS turned on.

Bill W. wrote:

I’m trying to use respond_to to redirect visitors who have JS turned off
to a different page. The problem I’m having is that respond_to is
sending everybody there.

I noticed a similar problem in an application I’m building. I tried to
use respond_to but it did not consistently work. However, testing for
request.xhr? works correctly everytime for me.

def edit
if request.xhr?
redirect_to :action => ‘wanted_html’

You might read through this thread for more information:

Hi Curtis,

Thanks for your response!

Curtis S.

I noticed a similar problem in an application I’m building. I tried to
use respond_to but it did not consistently work. However, testing for
request.xhr? works correctly everytime for me.

I tried the code you suggested and it didn’t work either. Then I
the ‘if’ and just tried to see if RJS was working. I think there’s
something wrong with my setup.

I changed the controller so all the actions are empty and just call
views. The edit.rjs file contains just one line:
page.alert “you have JS turned on”

What gets displayed is, rather than the dialog I expected, I get an html
page that displays (rather than executes) the JS that Rails sent back.

try {
alert(“you have JS turned ON”);
catch (e) {
alert(‘RJS error:\n\n’ + e.toString());
alert(‘alert(“you have JS turned ON”);’);
throw e }

Any idea what might be causing this?


On Aug 30, 2006, at 3:44 PM, Bill W. wrote:

page.alert “you have JS turned on”
alert(‘alert(“you have JS turned ON”);’);
throw e }

Any idea what might be causing this?


Did you remember to do <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>  in

the layout?


Hi Ezra,

Ezra Z. wrote:

Did you remember to do <%= javascript_include_tag
:defaults %> in the layout?

Yes. And this is a test (i.e., tiny) app. I’ve included all the code
below. I"m also going to try tomorrow and see is there’s any chance
this is
a dev vs. prod issue. Any insight you could provide will be hugely
appreciated. Just fyi, I’m developing / seeing the problem on WinXP,
I don’t understand the behavior I’m seeing. I manually check to make
JS is enabled. It is. I click the button on the index page, which
render edit.rjs and throw up a message dialog. I get the following JS
rendered instead.

try {
alert(“you have JS turned ON”);
} catch (e) { alert(‘RJS error:\n\n’ + e.toString()); alert(‘alert(“you
have JS turned ON”);’); throw e }This is startin’ to …

Any insight will be grounds for worship :wink:


----- controller -----
class CreateController < ApplicationController

def index

def edit

def wanted_html


----- views -----

— application.rhtml —

<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> <%= yield %>

— index.rhtml —

Click the button to test the respond_to method

<%= form_remote_tag(:url => {:action => ‘edit’}) %>

<%= submit_tag 'Test', :disable_with => "Please Wait" %>
<%= end_form_tag %>

— edit.rjs —
page.alert “you have JS turned ON”

— wanted_html.rhtml —
respond_to says you have JS turned OFF.

Bill W. wrote:

I’m trying to use respond_to to redirect visitors who have JS turned off
to a different page.

def edit
respond_to do |wants|
wants.html { redirect_to :action => ‘wanted_html’ }
wants.js { render }

Long shot, but have you tried to change order of wants.html and

def edit
respond_to do |wants|
wants.js { render }
wants.html { redirect_to :action => ‘wanted_html’ }


Hi Lukasz,

Łukasz Piestrzeniewicz wrote:

Long shot, but have you tried to change order
of wants.html and wants.js?

Yep. Tried it. No joy. But thanks for the reply!

Best regards,


The disable_with may be causing your problem due to a bug:

Take out the disable_with and see what happens.


Thanks to David Black and Curtis S. for identifying the problem: DO
NOT use the :disable_with option on the submit_tag for form_remote_tag,
at least not until is closed.

The code below the original post is a complete working app that
demonstrates the use of respond_to for redirecting non-JS- and
JS-enabled browsers to different pages. I’ve left the original posting
to assist future Railers’ searches.

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill W.
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 1:26 PM
Subject: [Rails] respond_to not detecting JS turned on. form_to_remote

I’m trying to use respond_to to redirect visitors who have JS turned
off to a different page. The problem I’m having is that respond_to is
sending everybody there. It’s not recognizing that JS is turned on in
the browser. The wanted_html.rhtml file below is rendered whether I’ve
got JS turned on or off. I’ve looked at the Accept headers being sent
from the form_remote_tag button using Live HTTP Headers. The headers
are exactly the same whether JS is turned on or off. That seems wierd.

Another wierd thing. When the form is submitted, in the Firebug
console, I see a POST, then it disappears. I put the sleep() call in
below to verify. The POST is there until the respond_to is evaluated.
Then the POST disappears from the console. Any ideas? I’ll post the
code below. TIA.
---- Controller ----
class CreateController < ApplicationController
def index

def edit
respond_to do |wants|
wants.html { redirect_to :action => ‘js_inactive’ }
wants.js {
render :update do |page|
page.redirect_to :action => ‘js_active’

def js_active

def js_inactive

---- index.rhtml -----

Click the button to test if JS is activated.

<%= form_remote_tag(:url => {:action => ‘edit’}) %>

<%= submit_tag 'Test for JS' %>
<%= end_form_tag %>

---- js_active.rhtml ----

<%=h( "Your system has JS activated" )%>

---- js_inactive.rhtml ----

<%=h( "Your system does NOT have JS activated" )%>

---- application.rhtml ----

<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> <%= @content_for_layout %>