RoR on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (ec2)?

Neil W. wrote:

As long as you are pointing and clicking and your website is the
master deployment engine. I need to be able to automate calls to the
system if your service is to be of any use to me. Otherwise I’d be
better off concentrating on providing Capistrano tasks which achieve
the same thing but which I can easily call from a program.

That’s the problem with going down the website approach rather than
the tool approach. Great for the pointy clickers.

Neil as always you are right to the point!

Yes and you have more control over your tools and with gems like deprec

  • you can write your own deployment recipes etc… This is what I want to
    know more…
    what exactly the value using aws-console over EC2/S3 directly? the
    “pointy clickers” yes are there any more value … I just want to know
    what? I have started to test now I will report back my findings if
    anyone is interested.


I’d love to be there - primarily because Google G. appears to
failed to post two of my feeedback messages here (and it gets lost in
the noise).

I have a particular requirement which you may find of interest.


Thanks for the interesting points made! A coupe of comments about what
we perceive some the value of AWS-Console to be:

  1. Even if you automate some functions via scripts, it’s still nice to
    be able to see everything presented on a screenful, with reasonable
    names, and with buttons to “play pointy clicker” to intervene.

  2. We’re rolling out the ability to control AWS-Console via simple
    HTTPS requests. Some of the benefits over doing that directly to EC2
    will be that things you predefine in AWS-Console can be leveraged by
    the scripts.

  3. We’re currently testing the ability to define application
    deployments. In other words similar to capistrano. The big benefit
    comes when you can have monitoring trigger deployment events for you.
    Unfortunately we’re not quite there yet.

  4. The big benefit of a 24x7 service comes in when it monitors your
    deployment and can trigger deployment actions automatically. We’re
    getting close…

If you have specific use-cases we would very much appreciate if you
could contact us directly at [email protected] (or email me
directly). We are definitely adding features based on user-demand.


Neil W. wrote:

I need to be able to automate calls to the
system if your service is to be of any use to me.

Great feedback! We’ve been told this by other users as well and have a
beta REST interface that we can make available for you.

Peter & Neil–we really value your input here and are looking for
direct feedback like you are providing. Would either of you be
interested in being part of our bleeding edge user group? This means
you would have access to our pre-release features (that will likely
answer many of your questions and uncover many more) and you will also
be invited to our discussion group where we debate our approach with
other users.
