RoR on mac OS tiger 10.4.6 latest n greatest?

Remove it from your /User/username/Library/Preference Panes. The go to
the install DMG and doubleclick on it. It should install

On 6/10/06, bbqtree [email protected] wrote:

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[email protected]

i am running tiger 10.4.6 on mac book pro.
i am installing MySQL 4.1 package for OS X PPC preferance pane.

when i try to start the mysql pref pane a windows pops up saying

“preference error You cannot open MySQL preferences pane on this
computer. Contact the developer of this software for a newer version.”

unknown wrote:

a bit more information might be helpful -

  • hardware config
  • OS version
  • mysql version (and architecture)

what does the console say after you attempt to load the preference pane?


you have an x86 machine and installed the ppc version of mysql - it
would be
run through rosetta which really isn’t what you want. it sounds as
the preference pane (built for ppc) isn’t rosetta savvy.

i would recommend grabbing a native (x86 compiled) version of mysql,
building your own by hand or using darwinports (which builds from

hey mr.unknown thanks!..

since now mysql is installed in usr/local, all i have to do is delete
the mysql folder and reinstall the proper version?

unknown wrote:


you have an x86 machine and installed the ppc version of mysql - it
would be
run through rosetta which really isn’t what you want. it sounds as
the preference pane (built for ppc) isn’t rosetta savvy.

i would recommend grabbing a native (x86 compiled) version of mysql,
building your own by hand or using darwinports (which builds from

please disregard, i went on google and found the command line that shows
hidden files and folders in finder. went to usr/local and just moved all
the mysql stuff to thrash. downloaded the proper version and reinstalled
everything. preference pane is working now. thanks all who responded.
now i will attempt my first rails app.

bbqtree wrote:

hey mr.unknown thanks!..

since now mysql is installed in usr/local, all i have to do is delete
the mysql folder and reinstall the proper version?

unknown wrote:


you have an x86 machine and installed the ppc version of mysql - it
would be
run through rosetta which really isn’t what you want. it sounds as
the preference pane (built for ppc) isn’t rosetta savvy.

i would recommend grabbing a native (x86 compiled) version of mysql,
building your own by hand or using darwinports (which builds from

sure, assuming there isn’t anything other than your mysql install in
/usr/local folder you could delete it in full. i think it installs into
subdirectory though, you might be able to get away with only deleting