ROR setup on ubuntu machine

after all my system have ruby 1.8.7 (2010-06-23 patchlevel 299)
[i686-linux], Rails 2.3.5, gems 1.3.7

but i cannot proceed from this stage, for creating a simple

how to solve this? can i reinstall the ubuntu

Thank u

Thanks for the response. i think this question, which am going to put
here, is a bad question, anyway

when i start the server

cyberpro@ubuntu:~/blog$ rails server
warning: already initialized constant WFKV_
=> Booting WEBrick
=> Rails 3.1.1 application starting in development on
=> Call with -d to detach
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server
[2011-10-12 15:15:12] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2011-10-12 15:15:12] INFO ruby 1.9.2 (2011-07-09) [i686-linux]
[2011-10-12 15:15:12] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=9007

my question is, how to move to the db creation ? i mean how to stop
can i use this Call with -d to detach
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server
and continue…

Am sorry for asking this type of question

Couldn’t disagree more. RVM actually makes like a lot easier for
beginners IMO. The install is simple and easy (just run the script)
and works perfectly fine on pretty much any version of Ubuntu.

Using RVM allows beginners to tinker with various versions of Ruby in
a non-traumatic way and keeps each project in its own gemset to avoid
version conflicts and issues with dependencies. Once installed
correctly, with wrappers in place, it works identical to native ruby
only you don’t have to “sudo” so much.

It’s a great place to both start and finish as a ruby developer. I run
RVM locally and in production and I advise all the newbies I help out
to do the same. Particularly on an OS X dev environment, native ruby
is a pain and RVM alleviates most of those pain points.

Try this:


Add these two lines to you Gemfile text file located in your project
directory. You can add them somewhere in the text file (you can add them
after “gem ‘sqlite3’” for example):
gem ‘execjs’
gem ‘therubyracer’

Save the file and the run bundle install again from the project
$ bundle install

Start the Rails server again to see if it worked:
$ rails server (or “rails s”)


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 2:55 PM, amvis [email protected] wrote:

GitHub - sstephenson/execjs: Run JavaScript code from Ruby for a list of available runtimes.
[email protected].
For more options, visit this group at

If you want to stop WEBrick server then use CTRL+C (if that doesn’t work
OR, you can open another terminal window and work there to create your
database (I recommend that).


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:24 PM, amvis [email protected] wrote:

=> Call with -d to detach

On 12 October 2011 20:24, amvis [email protected] wrote:

=> Call with -d to detach
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server
[2011-10-12 15:15:12] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2011-10-12 15:15:12] INFO ruby 1.9.2 (2011-07-09) [i686-linux]
[2011-10-12 15:15:12] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=9007 port=3000

my question is, how to move to the db creation ? i mean how to stop this.
can i use this Call with -d to detach
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server and continue…

Am sorry for asking this type of question

Work through some tutorials that will show you the basics of Rails. is good and is free to use online. Then you will
look back on the questions you are asking and not believe that you had
to ask them :slight_smile:

Also look at the Rails Guides.


Thanks all, thanks mg1313

On 13 October 2011 10:30, amvis [email protected] wrote:

for the presentation. and finally the CONTROLLER have the main function
part. But where will write the code for each one? If have any mistake in my
understand, plz specify the issues?

Have you worked right through some tutorials such as This will answer most of these questions.


Advanced thanks to all, for given some important links, which help me a
lot, to start the ROR from scratch. After all the set-up, I have created
page. so next i need to integrate a simple application with twitter.
application means when i write something in a text box and click the
button, that will update into my twitter account. for that i have to use
twitter apis
for the authentication purpose, i have got the token from twitter. But
have some confusing how to use it, And also this rails basically going
MVC. so where the code will write? and so on…
I knw the MODEL is basically connection with the database, and the
for the presentation. and finally the CONTROLLER have the main function
part. But where will write the code for each one? If have any mistake
in my
understand, plz specify the issues?

also i got some link about dis
Integrating Rails with Twitter | Pedro Mateus Tavares


rvm > apt

I really like using rvm for different gemsets. When you want to test
out the latest version of rails for 1 project it makes life so much
easier. apt and rvm have declared a delicate truce on my machine. I
basically use apt for system wide packages and rvm for ruby and rails
so that I can have different versions on different projects.

I followed this link for integrate with twittter

but when i give this in console i got the error like this

client =
#<Twitter::Client:0x971a79c @adapter=:net_http, @consumer_key=nil,
@consumer_secret=nil, @endpoint=“”,
@gateway=nil, @oauth_token=nil, @oauth_token_secret=nil, @proxy=nil,
@search_endpoint=“”, @user_agent=“Twitter
Gem 1.7.2”, @media_endpoint=“”,

>client.update(‘Test post from the console’)

Twitter::Unauthorized: POST
401: Could not authenticate you.
on_complete' from /home/cyberpro/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/faraday-0.7.5/lib/faraday/response.rb:9:in block in call’
on_complete' from /home/cyberpro/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/faraday-0.7.5/lib/faraday/response.rb:8:in call’
call' from /home/cyberpro/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/faraday-0.7.5/lib/faraday/request/multipart.rb:13:in call’
call' from /home/cyberpro/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/faraday-0.7.5/lib/faraday/connection.rb:207:in run_request’
post' from /home/cyberpro/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/twitter-1.7.2/lib/twitter/request.rb:27:in request’
post' from /home/cyberpro/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/twitter-1.7.2/lib/twitter/client/tweets.rb:45:in update’
from (irb):23
start' from /home/cyberpro/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/railties-3.1.1/lib/rails/commands/console.rb:8:in start’
<top (required)>' from script/rails:6:in require’

On Oct 12, 3:40pm, Brandon B. [email protected] wrote:

Couldn’t disagree more. RVM actually makes like a lot easier for
beginners IMO. …

Particularly on an OS X dev environment, native ruby
is a pain and RVM alleviates most of those pain points. …


Dan N.

On 16 October 2011 08:34, amvis [email protected] wrote:

I followed this link for integrate with twittter

I suggest starting a new thread with an appropriate subject for this
question as it does not seem to be anything to do with the subject
line (ROR setup on ubuntu machine). In that way someone interested in
this subject is more likely to read the message.


Which command is not found?

Did you tried Europe apt-get install instead?

Or installed aptitude via apt-get?

send by Samsung Galaxy Tab with Overcome Mod
Am 24.10.2011 06:41 schrieb “amvis” [email protected]:

thank you, i forgot to change that aptitude into apt-get.

Thank you

i had some problem with my ubuntu, so just i changed that into 11.10,
am setting up the RoR in ubuntu following this link . But i got
wrong command error when i doing this command *

sudo aptitude install build-essential bison openssl libreadline6
libreadline6-dev curl git-core zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev
libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev autoconf


why like dis?, but i had done the same thing earlier on my last ubuntu
no issues.

Thank You

or you can install aptitude using

sudo apt-get install aptitude

and then use it later…