RSpec on Rails 2.0

On Nov 14, 2007 12:28 PM, Anton K. [email protected] wrote:

I just did this:
rake db:migrate
rake spec

All ran perfectly well. I really don’t know what’s going on on your

Installing plugin from the url you provided fixed the issue. I had
“undefined method `failure_message’” problem with plugin installed today
from this url:

CURRENT means the latest release, not the trunk. 1.0.8 was out months
ago - obviously not compatible with subsequent changes to rails.


On Nov 14, 2007 11:37 AM, Kyle H. [email protected]

tag shouldn’t be renamed to something less counter-intuitive?

Thinking of FreeBSD’s tags, RELEASE perhaps?


ok then sorry. it’s all fine.

On Nov 14, 2007 8:37 PM, Kyle H. [email protected] wrote:

tag shouldn’t be renamed to something less counter-intuitive?

Thinking of FreeBSD’s tags, RELEASE perhaps?

LATEST_RELEASE would speak more for itself.

On Nov 14, 2007 12:32 PM, David C. [email protected] wrote:

CURRENT means the latest release, not the trunk. 1.0.8 was out months
ago - obviously not compatible with subsequent changes to rails.


I see people make this mistake fairly often. Is there any reason the
tag shouldn’t be renamed to something less counter-intuitive?

Thinking of FreeBSD’s tags, RELEASE perhaps?


Mark McG. wrote:

I have a project on edge rails that I’m trying to convert from Test:Unit
to rspec. I have the rspec gem version 2338, the rspec and
rsepc_on_rails version 2831 in vendor/plugins, and rails version 8117 in

I’ve been able to get a few specs passing, have gotten the specs running
from autotest, and am able to do “rake spec:doc” and get the basic
command line spec printout. I’d like be able to generate the html spec
printout, so I tried “spec spec --format html” but got the “undefined
method `before’ for Spec::Rails::DSL::RailsExample:Class
(NoMethodError)” mentioned in the “Autotest busted with Rspec/Rails
trunk” thread from this forum.

I was wondering if anyone else has been able to get the spec printouts
working with edge rails and if so what versions of
rails/rspec/rspec_on_rails were used.

Thanks for your help,

  • Mark

I found in the rdocs that I can use:
rake spec:doc SPEC_OPTS="–format html" > spec_doc.html

I hope that helps someone,

  • Mark

much better: script/spec spec -fh > spec_doc.html
