On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 9:39 PM, David M. [email protected]
And JRuby is getting faster all the time. It’s not clear whether one will
necessarily beat the other.
We’ve always emphasized compatibility and bugfixes over performance,
and so while we handily beat 1.9.1 and earlier versions of Ruby a year
ago, these days it’s a bit of a toss-up with 1.9.2. Even in the JRuby
1.6 cycle, we got in a little perf work…but soon moved priorities
back to implementing remaining 1.9.2 features. One of these days we’ll
have caught up on all features, or I’ll just decide I need to spend my
time entirely on performance
In general, though, if you find something that’s notably slower than
1.9.2, please file a bug. There are areas where we know we’re a bit
slower, but I’m sure there’s areas we have bugs keeping us slow.
In particular, I remember hearing discussions of a commandline flag in JRuby
which one could use to disallow altering methods on the core numeric types.
This would basically make Ruby math compile down to Java math. I imagine most
scientific applications wouldn’t care about altering the core numeric types,
while most scientific applications would care about fast math.
This would be the --fast flag. It used to help the performance of
small methods and math operations, but the bulk of its benefit is now
in JRuby master (1.6) by default:
~/projects/jruby ➔ …/jruby-1.5.2/bin/jruby bench/bench_tak.rb 4
user system total real
2.601000 0.000000 2.601000 ( 2.537000)
1.805000 0.000000 1.805000 ( 1.805000)
1.790000 0.000000 1.790000 ( 1.791000)
1.807000 0.000000 1.807000 ( 1.807000)
~/projects/jruby ➔ jruby -v bench/bench_tak.rb 4
jruby 1.6.0.dev (ruby 1.8.7 patchlevel 249) (2010-12-17 d2575a7) (Java
HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_22) [darwin-x86_64-java]
user system total real
1.810000 0.000000 1.810000 ( 1.742000)
1.058000 0.000000 1.058000 ( 1.058000)
1.053000 0.000000 1.053000 ( 1.053000)
1.057000 0.000000 1.057000 ( 1.057000)
The next “big thing” that probably won’t land in 1.6 is “dynopt”,
which performs more runtime optimization of code:
~/projects/jruby ➔ jruby -v -Xcompile.dynopt=true bench/bench_tak.rb 4
jruby 1.6.0.dev (ruby 1.8.7 patchlevel 249) (2010-12-17 d2575a7) (Java
HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_22) [darwin-x86_64-java]
user system total real
0.912000 0.000000 0.912000 ( 0.837000)
0.518000 0.000000 0.518000 ( 0.518000)
0.516000 0.000000 0.516000 ( 0.516000)
0.517000 0.000000 0.517000 ( 0.517000)
Both the 1.6 and the 1.6+dynopt results should consistently be faster
than 1.9 for small benchmarks.
For large benchmarks and real applications, performance almost always
comes down to the performance of core classes like String and Array.
At that point, it’s mostly a matter of figuring out where the core
classes don’t perform as well…and fixing them.
About the only unintuitive thing I ever found was implementing a Java
interface, and while it’s somewhat unintuitive, it’s still trivial:
If you have suggestions for how to improve it, we’d love to hear them
singleton comparator
comp = Class.new {
include Comparator
def compare a,b
a.to_s <=> b.to_s
pq = PriorityQueue.new 11, comp
You can also do:
Comparator.impl do |name, a, b|
name is name of interface method, check it or not
a.to_s <=> b.to_s
Or this may work too (I don’t remember PriorityQueue’s API):
pq = PriorityQueue.new(11) do |a, b|
a.to_s <=> b.to_s
Oracle’s behavior lately is making me kind of iffy about the future of Java as
a platform, but JRuby is just made of awesome.
Oracle’s actions relating to Java have all been political. At the same
time people publish that they’re fighting with Apache or Google, they
are also getting IBM (GPL-haters) and Apple (not big OSS contributors)
to collaborate on the GPLed OpenJDK, and making concrete plans for
OpenJDK to continue beyond Java 8.
As far as using Java, nothing has changed for the worse in the past
ruby-inline is very cool, but it’s still not quite as easy as being able to
write a Java class, pretend it’s a Ruby class, and have it work.
There’s also java_inline, an extension to ruby_inline I made that
allows you to write Java code inline like C code in ruby_inline:
require ‘java_inline’
class Foo
inline :Java do |builder|
builder.package “org.jruby.test”
builder.java "
public static int fib_java(int n) {
if (n < 2) return n;
return fib_java(n - 2) + fib_java(n - 1);
Fun stuff.