On 2/6/07, Samantha [email protected] wrote:
Hello all.
Anyway, as I started to look at Python again, I happened to
discover Ruby. I spent about a month deciding on whether I wanted to
learn Ruby or Python, and as I looked at what was available, I felt
more at ease in Ruby.
Python is a fine language, but it has language design choices that
are a bit at odds with Ruby’s choices. It seems to me that you will
like one language or the other, but not both. Just conjecture on my
I have found that from teaching my Dad & my Girlfriend programming,
that Ruby seems to be a fine language for beginners. Which is nice,
because it is increasingly a very commercial language, so if you get
good with it you can make a career out of it.
Okay, enough of THAT. I’m now at the point where I feel like I’m
reading the same thing over and over and over again. I’m not the most
patient person and I want to start coding something. I’ve already
made some small interactive ‘kiddie’ command line programs and the
such, but I’m getting bored. I just don’t know where or what or HOW
to start.
I am like you then. One big problem that I found with Ruby was the
widespread lack of example code, I learn very effectively by example
and by tweaking examples to fit my needs. Not enough example
code exists for Ruby. Most of it is locked in books.
If I was to recommend another book (I know your funds are tight) it
would be the Ruby Cookbook. Its basically a highly comprehensive
series of example solutions to example (but real world) problems.
In addition to instructing you how to use them, it might also stimulate
your ideas. There is another book, that is cheaper and may even be
more appropriate: “Everyday Scripting with Ruby” which looks good,
but I haven’t received it yet.
So, I ask you, the gurus… Where do I start? This feels like a
writer’s block and I’m sick of reading. I want to start doing
But at the end of the day, learning to program involves programming.
So basically pick a programming project. Anything. Pick something
useful to you, or something that is familiar already from your own
IT skills.
-extract author,album and track information (etc) from an MP3 file
-then modify it to go through your music directories and build up a
-use the POP3 Ruby library to download your e-mail from your ISP
-use one of the Ruby Web Automation tools (WATIR, Mechanize,
Hpricot, RubySoupful, etc.) against some public web sites, for example
try to monitor the bidding status on an ebay auction
-make a simple text editor UI
-make a program that monitors your bittorrent download directory
(all legal of course) and e-mails you when one finishes
If there’s one thing I love about Ruby, is that it has made me ambitious
about programming again. I no longer think about a problem “that sounds
hard”, “I am biting off more than I can chew here”, “maybe I will try
one of the subtasks to see how far I can get”. And apparently this
scales down to beginners too.
I get a sense of manic glee when I hear war stories about beginners
commercial quality projects with Rails. Its like they haven’t learned
what they are doing is supposed to be hard, so they have no fear of it.
Have fun learning, and welcome to the community.