Rvm and gem confusion

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 2:58 PM, Robert W. [email protected]

your projects to automate the switching of your environment.

rvm gemset create my_gemset

rvm use 1.9.2@my_gemset

→ .rvmrc

rvm 1.9.2@my_gemset

Nice! Then that is my next step… and I am getting tired of typing rvm
etc… in every terminal window I open.

Robert W. wrote in post #965736:

It sounds to me like you have permission issues with your home folder.
Anything in your own home folder should be fully accessible by you. I
don’t think this issue is directly related to rvm or RubyGems itself. I
think you may have basic OS permission issues on your machine.

True. Got it working now. I removed everything and reinstalled rvm. No
complaints about permissions anymore.

Now I’m on track with Rails 3. :slight_smile: