Csmr wrote, as a reply to Giles’ evilmongering:
BTW. You still all big on words and no show, no bite. Lets see you code
that better
On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 11:21:53 -0500, Giles B. replied:
You were serious about that?
people.each do |person|
Boom. Done.
After trying your code, Ruby sayz:
NameError: undefined local variable or method `people’ for main:Object
from (irb):1 etc.
Dont look done to me.
Yup. I am serious about that, even if I aint serious about this post.
better put your funny hat on.
And yanno whats the difference between you an’ me? All u are is HOT
My code works just fine in IRB or as a standalone ruby script. I have
eleet HRRS scills. Haha!
First of all rich North Americans aren’t fat.
I never claimed they all were, simply hoped that you fatsos would
participate, too …
Secondly that’s what Ruby looks like. The code you wrote didn’t even
look like Ruby. You used ifs and globals all over the place and you ran
an iterator on a string without newlines, which does nothing.
Well yanno what, Mr. Big Ruby Shot? My code works great and does exactly
what its supposed to do. I stand by my excellent script.
AND btw its readable by people who dont kno inch of RuwBe. Well…
Unlike you know whose code… makes annoying chicken sounds
Thirdly, your spelling is all wrong, and of course I didn’t try to run
it, none of your variables were defined. Virtually none of that code
would run.
It runs 100%, interpreted, virtually, on xen or damn compiled.
And fourth you really don’t ever use globals, ever.
BTW. You still all big on words and no show, no bite. Lets see you code
that better and maybe then I can admit you may have a point… Or are
you chicken?
How old are you? What are you bothering somebody like me for? This
isn’t that kind of list. I think it’s past your bedtime.
Dont try that condescending attitude on me, it wont work on me cowboy. I
aint one of your cartoon foxes. spits
You come around talkin all that trash ‘bout my code. Still you aint got
nothin’ on me and nothin’ to show for your big words but an used
I’m still waiting for your version of that code bit. Man or mouse? I’m
starting to think that talk about Big J being behind your sofa is just
hot air, too.
And all others’ too.
Lets see your best Human Readable “Make A Better World” Ruby-script.
Christmas spirit or Cowboy spirit… or not. .
After all, its a ruby language group. (yes its a code challenge)
“RichFatNorthAmerican”.each do |help|
if ($doingNext = nil || $doingNext = “SurfingForPr0n”)
$donation = false
help << $doingNext.replace(“Help End Poverty!”)
#Disclaimer: Seems like a nice deal. In reality I have no idea whut it
#do stuff
if $donation == true
$doingNext.gsub!(“Help”, “Aww, relax mang! You already did Help”)
$doingNext << " Check out One Laptop per Child Foundation, Invest your money and your time - OLPC Foundation "
puts $doingNext