On Wed, 18 Jul 2007, Yukihiro M. wrote:
In message “Re: Taking the bull by its horns [was background]”
on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 10:38:16 +0900, John C. [email protected] writes:
|bg: fortran,mortran,algol,basic,pascal,dcl,c,c++,lisp,scheme,assembler,perl,awk,sh,R,joy,sql,…
Just curious, but what is mortran? Fortran for Martians?
“More Fortran”
Mortran - Wikipedia
Basically a fat macro preprocessor in front of ordinary Fortran.
Or Where I Learnt that “Syntactic Sugar has no (semantic) food value.”
Or “A Pig wearing lipstick is still a pig and you really really don’t
want to kiss it.”
…Sorry, I couldn’t resist after seeing your name. I was a fan of
Burroughs novel when I was young.
I get quite a lot of that… So I couldn’t resist hacking the “X-”
headings in my mailer a few years ago. (Tell your mail reader to show
you the full headers on one of my posts to see what I mean.)
Pity I don’t have any of the scantily clad busty girls from the book
male 42y
bg: BASIC,FORTRAN,Pascal,C,C++,Emacs Lisp,Scheme,AWK,sh,Perl,…and Ruby. (Yey)
Ah yes, I do occasionally do bits of elisp and java as well. I forgot
to mention Java because…because it’s so forgettable.
ps: Was the scoping of variables in Proc objects intended to mimic, in
a more controlled way, the dynamic scoping of Elisp? Or how did that
evolve? (I’m not complaining, I use that a fair amount in the same
sort of context as I would use Elisp dynamic scoping.)
location: Matsue-city Shimane-prefecture, Japan
That’s one of the things I really like about Ruby. I enjoy the
diversity of countries represented here. Makes it richer and better.
John C. Phone : (64)(3) 358 6639
Tait Electronics Fax : (64)(3) 359 4632
PO Box 1645 Christchurch Email : [email protected]
New Zealand