Text presentation on Mac and PC

Can someone help me out on this one. I have a website which was
developed on a Mac. When viewing certain text in “verdana” on the Mac
all looks great, but on the PC the text is very fine and thin on all
browsers. Other text with bold and larger size seems to present the
same on both PC and Mac. Is there a simple way I can improve the
browsers text representation on the PC.

On Dec 2, 2010, at 4:50 PM, MDM wrote:

Can someone help me out on this one. I have a website which was
developed on a Mac. When viewing certain text in “verdana” on the Mac
all looks great, but on the PC the text is very fine and thin on all
browsers. Other text with bold and larger size seems to present the
same on both PC and Mac. Is there a simple way I can improve the
browsers text representation on the PC.

Other than ‘get a Mac?’

Can you post a link that shows the problem? Do you know how the font
size is specified in the code?


Don Mapp wrote in post #965814:

Can someone help me out on this one. I have a website which was
developed on a Mac. When viewing certain text in “verdana” on the Mac
all looks great, but on the PC the text is very fine and thin on all
browsers. Other text with bold and larger size seems to present the
same on both PC and Mac. Is there a simple way I can improve the
browsers text representation on the PC.

This has nothing to do with Rails, and should be taken to a CSS or HTML


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

Thanks Marmen I will do that.

I thought that you might like to read an answer that I received from a
certain pyfunk It might help others:-

Rendering always depends on system. Like on windows, if the user has
setup clear type fonts, he will be having a much better experience.

Some useful information

that may help take decision on improving font families for different

* Common fonts on all systems
* Some good information on various fonts that work on different

systems and are best rendered at certain sizes.

codestyle.org determined best fonts via survey.

See that verdana comes out lower in both case.

For Windows:

Tahoma 99.81%
Microsoft Sans Serif 99.71%
Courier New 99.66%
Verdana 99.66%
Times New Roman 99.37%
Arial 99.32%
Trebuchet MS 99.27%
Comic Sans MS 99.13%
Lucida Console 99.13%
Georgia 98.94%
Impact 98.89%
Lucida Sans Unicode 98.65%
Palatino Linotype 98.65%
Arial Black 98.55%
Franklin Gothic Medium 97.96%

For Mac:

Helvetica 100%
Lucida Grande 100%
Geneva 99.43%
Monaco 99.43%
Courier 98.85%
Times 97.70%
Arial 97.41%
Verdana 97.41%
Georgia 95.11%
Helvetica Neue 95.11%
Trebuchet MS 94.54%
Times New Roman 94.25%