Timeout::AnonymousExcep raised after Timeout.timeout returns

I have a process that makes lots of requests to a fairly slow http
server. After processing about 30k requests, a timeout exception often
kills the process. But the exception isn’t Timeout::Error, and it
doesn’t get propagated to net/http’s caller. Instead,
Timeout::AnonymousException appears to get raised AFTER Timeout.timeout

#<#Class:01x48dfad76: execution expired>

I modified jruby to log all callers to Timeout.timeout so I know the
timeout is coming from net/http. I wrapped all net/http calls to rescue
Exception, but the above exception didn’t get caught. I only managed to
rescue the above exception in the Rakefile that launches my process. The
exception is accompanied by a completely bogus stack trace that
references random code that doesn’t use timeouts.

I think raiseInThread sets RubyThread.mail to
Timeout::AnonymousException AFTER killTimeoutThread checks mail. At a
later, random point in time (after Timeout.timeout returns),
RubyThread.checkMail discovers the AnonymousException and raises it,
resulting in the exception printed above, and a bogus stack trace.

I think this happens because killTimeoutThread’s call to
timeoutFuture.get() throws an exception (and thus returns before the
Runnable that calls raiseInThread completes execution), so
RubyThread.mail gets set to Timeout::AnonymousException AFTER
context.pollThreadEvents() checks RubyThread.mail. I’m testing this
theory now. I have this problem with jruby 1.4.0. I’m also testing jruby
1.5.1 to see if I can reproduce the problem. I’m not sure it makes a
difference, but I configured net/http to timeout after 10 seconds.

Is this problem familiar to anyone? Thanks.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 12:43 PM, Eric K. [email protected]

I have a process that makes lots of requests to a fairly slow http
server. After processing about 30k requests, a timeout exception often
kills the process. But the exception isn’t Timeout::Error, and it
doesn’t get propagated to net/http’s caller. Instead,
Timeout::AnonymousException appears to get raised AFTER Timeout.timeout

#<#Class:01x48dfad76: execution expired>

Ugh…I haven’t seen this in a long time…

RubyThread.checkMail discovers the AnonymousException and raises it,

Is this problem familiar to anyone? Thanks.

You should toss this into a bug. I was pretty sure we had fixed this
after 1.3.1, but perhaps you’ve found another path to it. I don’t
expect it would be too difficult, and you may be on the right track,
but throw it in a bug for sure so we can track it there. Feel free to
tap us on IRC to talk about it if you can narrow it down to a simple
case that fails.

  • Charlie

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