Thanks David.
Also i am little bit confused regarding routes.
Consider a routing example
it “should map { :controller => ‘channels’, :action => ‘new’ } to
/channels/new” do
route_for(:controller => “channels”, :action => “new”).should ==
Now i can see all the routing methods by rake routes.In that i can see
this new action defined.
Now imagine if i write an action which is not defined in the rake routes
then instead of failing it is passing.For e.g.
it “should map { :controller => ‘channels’, :action => ‘test’ } to
/channels/test” do
route_for(:controller => “channels”, :action => “test”).should ==
Now here ‘test’ action is not defined in the routes.So it should fail
but it isn’t.
May be i am missing something here.