James A. wrote:
There was a minor issue with the latest version of the engines plugin
and the login engine. I’ve just updated the login engine, so the
latest versions of everything should now be compatible.
That and:
apt-get install libmysql-ruby1.8
did the trick for me.
I just went through a similar problem with engines and login_engine
similar to Nathan. I kept on getting the
/Users/nathan/Documents/epanel-migrate-to-112/config/…/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines.rb 163:in start_engine': undefined method
add_path’ for Controllers:Module
I finally figured out my problem – I was not using svn:externals, and
had an old snapshot in my vendor/ directory, and it wasn’t getting
updated by
script/plugin update
I switched over to using svn:externals by just
script/plugin install --force -x engines
script/plugin install --force -x login_engine
And my script/server works just fine.
For more info on installing and maintaing rails engines: