Wordpress (single blog installation) and nginx

Lipton Tea: I made work wordpressMU with this rewrite rule, hopes it work or help to you =)

       rewrite ^.*/files/(.*) /wp-content/blogs.php?file=$1;
               if (!-e $request_filename) {
                       rewrite ^.+?(/wp-.*)    $1         last;
                       rewrite ^.+?(/.*\.php)$ $1         last;
                       rewrite ^               /index.php last;

att: gaper

p.d: live net !!!

Lipton Tea escribió:
Abdul-Rahman A. wrote:
Doesn't work for me, even if I try www.blog.com/index.php?q=/bla/bla
HonDev's regex rewrite doesn't work for me. I found a few other sites
that list the same or slightly modified rewrite rule. After 10 hours
trying to figure out wtf the problem was (I just installed and started
using nginx today) I realized it had to be the rewrite rule so I
examined it more closely. Below is the rewrite rule that works for me

Wordpress 2.3.1
nginx version: nginx/0.5.34

Make sure you clear your cache after changing the rewrite rule.

      if (!-e $request_filename) {
        rewrite ^(.*)$ $1/index.php last;

If anyone wants to see my nginx.conf I can post it here. Also, if the
rewrite rule works for you please reply and let me know. Thanks!