Where did the name “Ruby on Rails” come from?
Where did the name “Ruby on Rails” come from?
Stephan W. wrote:
Where did the name “Ruby on Rails” come from?
In the beginning there were computers and the people were happy
The users noted that these computers couldn’t talk to other computers
and they were sad
The network was thusly created and the people were happy
The frameworks that were initially developed were quite primitive and
the people were sad
Bigger frameworks were developed that allowed greater user experience
and productivity and the people were happy
As these frameworks grew bigger, and the complexity rose, developers
were given an increasing array of configuration options, development
strategies, financial advice, cosmic tea and other such things in which
to develop their particular applications which only lead to big slow
downs in things getting out the door and the people were sad
Along came 37Signals and DHH and he dictated that “convention over
configuration” shall be the new law, “Each of you will now develop my
way as if you were on rails” which greatly simplified web application
development and the people were happy…
Ilan B. wrote:
Along came 37Signals and DHH and he dictated that “convention over
configuration” shall be the new law, “Each of you will now develop my
way as if you were on rails” which greatly simplified web application
development and the people were happy…hth…
I don’t see how this helps …
I think the point is that Rails is constraining (which is a good
Phillip K. wrote:
On Dec 13, 2007, at 2:48 PM, Stephan W. wrote:
I don’t see how this helps …
If you consider a train on rails, the train goes where the rails take
it. Ruby On Rails is the Ruby language on the “rails” that DHH
dreamed up. As the saying goes, RoR is very opinionated software.
You can do some things in a way that DHH and crew don’t like, but
they will make it hard for you. If you follow the Rails, all goes well.
Is there a reference for this? First usage … ?
On Dec 13, 2007, at 2:48 PM, Stephan W. wrote:
I don’t see how this helps …
If you consider a train on rails, the train goes where the rails take
it. Ruby On Rails is the Ruby language on the “rails” that DHH
dreamed up. As the saying goes, RoR is very opinionated software.
You can do some things in a way that DHH and crew don’t like, but
they will make it hard for you. If you follow the Rails, all goes well.
Is there a reference to where you got the name “Stephan W.?” First
Sorry, couldn’t resist. Have fun riding the rails.
On Dec 13, 6:10 pm, Stephan W. removed_email_address@domain.invalid
Davi wrote:
Em Qui 13 Dez 2007, Stephan W. escreveu:
[…]Is there a reference for this? First usage … ?
Have you tried Wikipedia?
Yes, there are hints about Struts in the discussion page.
“…, but Rails was almost certainly named in homage to Struts …”
The discussion page also has the same question directly,
“How about some info on how it got to be called Ruby on Rails?”
but there is no answer.
From that line of thinking, it all becomes so clear. Rails gets you
places, while Struts just hold you up.
On Dec 13, 7:57 pm, Stephan W. removed_email_address@domain.invalid
Em Qui 13 Dez 2007, Stephan W. escreveu:
“…, but Rails was almost certainly named in homage to Struts …”
The discussion page also has the same question directly,
“How about some info on how it got to be called Ruby on Rails?”but there is no answer.
Phillip’s answers seems fine for me…
First usage was from 37Signals?
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i guess the guys at 37signals kept asking david how he was getting
along with this widely unknown japanese scripting language that he had
decided to write their next web application in, and one day he
answered with a smile: “i put it (ruby) on rails”.
On Dec 13, 8:56 pm, Stephan W. removed_email_address@domain.invalid
Em Qui 13 Dez 2007, Stephan W. escreveu:
Is there a reference for this? First usage … ?
Have you tried Wikipedia?
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Skype : davi vidal
ICQ : 138815296
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