Tk and Tile with Tk8.5

I want to use Ruby 1.9.1 (Ubuntu 10.10) with Tk8.5 Tile, but this samle

require ‘tk’
require ‘tkextlib/tile’

root = { title “Ex1” } {
text “Ok”
command proc { print “Hello, World!”; exit }
pack(‘side’=>‘left’, ‘padx’=>10, ‘pady’=>10)


fails with:
$ ruby tk_test.rb
/usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/tkextlib/tile.rb:46:in rescue in <top (required)>': undefined methodcannot_find_tk_package_for_widget_set’ for
Tk:Module (NoMethodError)
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/tkextlib/tile.rb:31:in <top (required)>' from <internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:inrequire’
from internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require:29:in require' from tk_test.rb:2:in

Googleing for “cannot_find_tk_package_for_widget_set” is one of
those rare moments when Google gives back only 1 hit.
Am I doing something wrong? I’m not a source code compiler type, I
installed everything from aptitude (Ruby 1.9.1, Tk8.4, Tk8.5, Tcl8.4,


Thank you for your report.

From: Lszl F. [email protected]
Subject: Tk and Tile with Tk8.5
Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2011 09:45:24 +0900
Message-ID: [email protected]

I want to use Ruby 1.9.1 (Ubuntu 10.10) with Tk8.5 Tile, but this samle
fails with:
$ ruby tk_test.rb
/usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/tkextlib/tile.rb:46:in rescue in <top (required)>': undefined method cannot_find_tk_package_for_widget_set’ for
Tk:Module (NoMethodError)

I’m very sorry. It’s a bug which should be fixed.
But it is not a primary problem for your trouble.
If tile extension is installed (or Tcl/Tk is 8.5 or later),
Ruby/Tk doesn’t use the bugged routine.

Am I doing something wrong? I’m not a source code compiler type, I
installed everything from aptitude (Ruby 1.9.1, Tk8.4, Tk8.5, Tcl8.4,

Probably, your ruby’s is linked with Tcl/Tk8.4.
Please check the result of ‘ruby -r tk -e “p Tk::TK_PATCHLEVEL”’.
If it shows 8.4.x, your uses libraries of Tcl/Tk8.4.

To fix it, please install tile extension for your Tcl/Tk8.4,
or re-compile your ruby’s with Tcl/Tk8.5.
I’m not familiar with Ubuntu. So, I don’t know which is better.
If igonore it, I recommend you to re-compile,
because Tcl/Tk8.5 is better than Tcl/Tk8.4.

Please check the result of ‘ruby -r tk -e “p Tk::TK_PATCHLEVEL”’.
If it shows 8.4.x, your uses libraries of Tcl/Tk8.4.

And indeed it is:
$ ruby -r tk -e “p Tk::TK_PATCHLEVEL”

or re-compile your ruby’s with Tcl/Tk8.5.

Back to the “I’m not a source code compiler type”, can you give me some
hint, how to do this? (not the ‘make install’ entry, but can it be
independently recompiled from source or only together with other files
or I need to recompile the whole Ruby package. And most importantly,
what are the parameters that make it link to Tk8.5?)


I tried to replace with your but that .so
introduced other unsatisfied dependencies (like

From: Lszl F. [email protected]
Subject: Re: Tk and Tile with Tk8.5
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2011 06:38:47 +0900
Message-ID: [email protected]

Please check the result of ‘ruby -r tk -e “p Tk::TK_PATCHLEVEL”’.
If it shows 8.4.x, your uses libraries of Tcl/Tk8.4.

And indeed it is:
$ ruby -r tk -e “p Tk::TK_PATCHLEVEL”

Are there tk-tile package for Tcl/Tk8.4 on Ubuntu 10.10 ?
If it exists, please try to install the package.

or re-compile your ruby’s with Tcl/Tk8.5.

Back to the “I’m not a source code compiler type”, can you give me some
hint, how to do this? (not the ‘make install’ entry, but can it be
independently recompiled from source or only together with other files
or I need to recompile the whole Ruby package. And most importantly,
what are the parameters that make it link to Tk8.5?)

First of all, I’m not familiar with Debian packages.
So, I can’t tell you how to create your own Ruby/Tk package with

In general, extconf.rb of tcltklib (/ext/tk/extconf.rb)
searches automatically the latest version of Tcl/Tk on the system.
If you are luky ;-), you’ll be able to make a new ruby by
“cd ; ./configure; make”.

Of course, it requires Tcl/Tk dev packages.

Please check the messages of make steps.
tcltklib’s extconf.rb shows the status of searching Tcl/Tk libraries.
If it shows fail messages, you must give configure options.
Please see <ruby-src-dir/ext/tk/README.tcltklib. It describes
configure options to teach position of Tcl/Tk libs to extconf.rb.
Although there are many combinations of options to match several env,
please try to give --with-tclConfig-file= and
–with-tkConfig-file= at first.

If you have some trouble, please tell me the fail messages and the
position of your Tcl/Tk headers and libraries.

I tried to replace with your but that .so
introduced other unsatisfied dependencies (like

Sorry. It was compiled on an old environment (gcc-3.3).
Even if it is available, I don’t recommnd partial replace of package
It may break the package management system.

László Földes wrote in post #990509:

I want to use Ruby 1.9.1 (Ubuntu 10.10) with Tk8.5 Tile, but this samle
I’m not a source code compiler type, I
installed everything from aptitude (Ruby 1.9.1, Tk8.4, Tk8.5, Tcl8.4,


I’m using Ubuntu 10.04.1, but it probably isn’t different than yours.

You need install tile:

$ sudo apt-get install tk-tile

Note that Ruby will still use the ugly Tk 8.4. If you want it to use Tk
8.5 (but you don’t have to), follow these steps:

BTW, your program works on my system: I tried it with both Tk 8.4 and Tk
8.5 (I have a script that toggles between them).

Albert S. wrote in post #990613:

BTW, your program works on my system: I tried it with both Tk 8.4 and Tk
8.5 (I have a script that toggles between them).

Thanks, that solved it! (although the solution at the link has some
serious überbug, although not irreparable).

Just for curiosity, how do you toggle between the two? As I saw it the
Tk version is compiled into the

László Földes wrote in post #990721:

Albert S. wrote in post #990613:

BTW, your program works on my system: I tried it with both Tk 8.4 and Tk
8.5 (I have a script that toggles between them).

Thanks, that solved it! (although the solution at the link has some
serious überbug, although not irreparable).

What’s the “überbug”? Tell us, so that page (ubuntu-new-tk.html) could
be fixed.

Just for curiosity, how do you toggle between the two? As I saw it the
Tk version is compiled into the

Right. I copy the 8.4 version into “”, and the 8.5 version
into “”, and my script simply copies the desired version
into “”. (To do this it uses the ‘sudo’ command because the
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/ directory is writable for root only.)

From: Albert S. [email protected]
Subject: Re: Tk and Tile with Tk8.5
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2011 21:57:34 +0900
Message-ID: [email protected]

Just for curiosity, how do you toggle between the two? As I saw it the
Tk version is compiled into the

Right. I copy the 8.4 version into “”, and the 8.5 version
into “”, and my script simply copies the desired version
into “”. (To do this it uses the ‘sudo’ command because the
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux/ directory is writable for root only.)

The following depend on an unofficial feature of ruby’s dll loading.
At present, it will work. But I don’t recomment it.

I asked about the feature on ruby-dev ML. But I didn’t discuss it.

Because I didn’t have enough time for discussion and I thought

that there are not many people who requires such feature.

In the following, denotes ruby’s dll directory
(.e.g /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux).

(1) Copy the 8.4 version to /, and the 8.5
version to /
Filenames must start by “tcltklib” + dot, and end by dot + “so”.
For example, “” or “” is OK,
but “” or “” is NG.

(2) Create loader script “tcltklib.rb” at ruby’s library directory
(.e.g /usr/lib/ruby/1.8).
For example,
----- tcltklib.rb -----------------------------------------
if ver && !ver.empty?
require “tcltklib.#{ver}.so”
require “”
This exmaple selects the dll based on the environment variable.
There are many way to decide the target dll.
Please create your tcltklib.rb as you like.

(3) If you use tcltklib.rb at step (2),
$ RUBYTK_VERSION=8.4 ruby -r tk -e ‘p Tk::TK_PATCHLEVEL’
will use (Tcl/Tk8.4 version), and
$ RUBYTK_VERSION=8.5 ruby -r tk -e ‘p Tk::TK_PATCHLEVEL’
will use (Tcl/Tk8.5 version)

From: Albert S. [email protected]
Subject: Re: Tk and Tile with Tk8.5
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2011 23:13:53 +0900
Message-ID: [email protected]

The following depend on an unofficial feature of ruby’s dll loading.
At present, it will work. But I don’t recomment it.

BTW, what’s here isn’t an official feature? I do “ri Kernel#require” and
(I think) it describes everything needed to make this work: Ruby first
looks for an .rb file (this enables us to inject our loader script), and
then it’s possible to explicitly load a .so (or .dll). So why isn’t your
trick future-proof?

It depends on “how to find an entry point function of a DLL”.
Ruby’s current DLL loader decides a name from a filename of DLL,
that is, cuts a left most string from a DLL filename before first dot
and links it after a string “Init_”.
So, for “”, “”, “” and so
on, the loader calls a function “Init_tcltklib()”.
But for “” (and others), the loader tries and fails to
call a function “Init_tcltklib_84”.
This is the reason of why a DLL filename is limitted on my trick.

The rule about “first dot” is NOT a specification of Ruby’s DLL loader.
It may be changed in the future.

Hidetoshi NAGAI wrote in post #990904:

The following depend on an unofficial feature of ruby’s dll loading.
At present, it will work. But I don’t recomment it.
(2) Create loader script “tcltklib.rb” at ruby’s library directory
(.e.g /usr/lib/ruby/1.8).
For example,
----- tcltklib.rb -----------------------------------------
if ver && !ver.empty?
require “tcltklib.#{ver}.so”
require “”

Hey, that’s a nice trick. Thanks!

The following depend on an unofficial feature of ruby’s dll loading.
At present, it will work. But I don’t recomment it.

BTW, what’s here isn’t an official feature? I do “ri Kernel#require” and
(I think) it describes everything needed to make this work: Ruby first
looks for an .rb file (this enables us to inject our loader script), and
then it’s possible to explicitly load a .so (or .dll). So why isn’t your
trick future-proof?