Writing if statement in one line with elsif condition

I’m trying to convert it:

        <% if @recipes.length == (i+1) %>
            <% @id = 0 %>
        <% elsif i.remainder(2) == 1 %>
            <% @id = 1 %>
        <% else %>
            <% @id = 2 %>
        <% end %>

To something like:

        <% if @recipes.length == (i+1) then @id = 0 ; elsif

i.remainder(2) == 1 then @id = 1 ; else @id = 2 end >%

But in my tests the elsif condition is totally ignored, why?

Thanks for you attention!


Luiz Vitor Martinez C.
cel.: (11) 8187-8662
blog: rubz.org
engineer student at maua.br

“Posso nunca chegar a ser o melhor engenheiro do mundo, mas tenha
certeza de
que eu vou lutar com todas as minhas forças para ser o melhor engenheiro
eu puder ser”

Luiz Vitor Martinez C. wrote:

<% if @recipes.length == (i+1) then @id = 0 ; elsif
i.remainder(2) == 1 then @id = 1 ; else @id = 2 end >%

How about this?

  <% if @recipes.length == (i+1)
       @id = 0
     elsif i.remainder(2) == 1
       @id = 1
       @id = 2
     end %>

I can’t see what your specific error is, but that structure will at
least be
easier to read and debug.

Also, any logic you can move to a controller - out of the <% erb %> -
move it
there. Or better, into a model. The view should have the minimum
possible logic.

On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 10:09 PM, Luiz Vitor Martinez C.
removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

To something like:

       <% if @recipes.length == (i+1) then @id = 0 ; elsif

i.remainder(2) == 1 then @id = 1 ; else @id = 2 end >%

But in my tests the elsif condition is totally ignored, why?

Not sure, but…

if 1==1 then ‘a’ elsif ‘a’==‘a’ then ‘b’ else ‘c’ end
=> “a”

if 1==2 then ‘a’ elsif ‘a’==‘b’ then ‘b’ else ‘c’ end
=> “c”

With a cursory glance, I can only guess that your first condition is
always true. Maybe somebody could pipe in about ERB if that’s a
factor, because I’m not familiar with it.


On Sunday 17 August 2008, Luiz Vitor Martinez C. wrote:

To something like:

        <% if @recipes.length == (i+1) then @id = 0 ; elsif

i.remainder(2) == 1 then @id = 1 ; else @id = 2 end >%

But in my tests the elsif condition is totally ignored, why?

Thanks for you attention!

It should work. Look at this:

require ‘erb’
puts “Insert a number”
n = gets.to_i
str = ‘<%= if n%3 == 0 then “divisible by three”;elsif n%2==0 then
“divisible by two”;end%>’
puts ERB.new(str).result

Entering 3 gives “divisible by 3”, while entering 2 gives “divisible by


On 17.08.2008 05:09, Luiz Vitor Martinez C. wrote:

To something like:

        <% if @recipes.length == (i+1) then @id = 0 ; elsif

i.remainder(2) == 1 then @id = 1 ; else @id = 2 end >%

But in my tests the elsif condition is totally ignored, why?

Thanks for you attention!

Agreeing with the others: it’s probably your expectation about the first
condition which is wrong.

Btw, here’s another way to do it

@id = case when @recipes.length == i + 1: 0; when i.remainder(2) == 1:
1; else 2 end

Although I admit that I’d rather have it on several lines

@id = case
when @recipes.length == i + 1: 0
when i.remainder(2) == 1: 1
else 2

Kind regards


@id = case when @recipes.length == i + 1: 0; when i.remainder(2) == 1:
1; else 2 end

Although I admit that I’d rather have it on several lines

I suspect the original posted might not know you can write a multi-line
<% erb %> block! Some sample code puts a different <% %> on each line,
like the original post did…

Luiz Vitor Martinez C. wrote:

I really know!

But did any respondent challenge the requirement? Why should any
statement have
to fit on one line??

Just for curious. I’m curious when i’m learning something new :wink:


On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 12:51 PM, Phlip removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:


Luiz Vitor Martinez C.
cel.: (11) 8187-8662
blog: rubz.org
engineer student at maua.br

“Posso nunca chegar a ser o melhor engenheiro do mundo, mas tenha
certeza de
que eu vou lutar com todas as minhas forças para ser o melhor engenheiro
eu puder ser”

Luiz Vitor Martinez C. wrote:

To something like:

        <% if @recipes.length == (i+1) then @id = 0 ; elsif

i.remainder(2) == 1 then @id = 1 ; else @id = 2 end >%

But in my tests the elsif condition is totally ignored, why?

Thanks for you attention!

Ideally, even this rather trivial code is best left outside of ERB
files. Hide this away in a function and it can be as clean and
multi-liney as you want and doesn’t muck up your ERB files. This is
doubleplus true if this code is used more than once. Cramming the
entire if statement onto line just makes it less readable.


I really know!


On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 10:11 AM, Phlip removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:


Luiz Vitor Martinez C.
cel.: (11) 8187-8662
blog: rubz.org
engineer student at maua.br

“Posso nunca chegar a ser o melhor engenheiro do mundo, mas tenha
certeza de
que eu vou lutar com todas as minhas forças para ser o melhor engenheiro
eu puder ser”