Server extremely slow?!


for some reason my WEBrick server became extremely slow. My development
server is running on a Debian system.

After some days of test writing only I started the server to do some
manual testing and it took 86 seconds(!) to load the page. I was
checking everything but couldn’t find anything so I emptied the layout
html, removed all before_filters etc. so there was literally nothing to
do for the server. Took still 31 seconds to load the page. So I added
the index.html back to the public folder to see if that ones taking so
long to load as well. Yes, took 21 seconds to load an empty index.html.
So I would say it doesn’t have much to do with my application?

Does anyone know how to sort out that kind of problem?

Here’s the server output:
Application, nothing changed: Completed 200 OK in 2121ms (Views:
1134.9ms | ActiveRecord: 108.2ms) - IN TOTAL: 86 seconds
Application, empty layout html, no before_filters: Completed 200 OK in
372ms (Views: 370.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) - IN TOTAL: 31 seconds
index.html - IN TOTAL: 21 seconds.

Thank you

On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 2:56 AM, Heinz S. [email protected]

for some reason my WEBrick server became extremely slow.

Not sure why you’re even bothering with WEBrick at this point, but…

Install newrelic or rails-footnotes or similar to get a better picture
where the time’s being taken.

Hassan S. ------------------------ [email protected]
twitter: @hassan

On 10 October 2010 10:56, Heinz S. [email protected] wrote:


for some reason my WEBrick server became extremely slow. My development
server is running on a Debian system.

I found webrick slow on Ubuntu, mongrel works much better for me.
(sudo gem install mongrel, I think, then it just goes).


I know you’ve already resolved your problem, but for the sake of
discussion, WEBrick in it’s default state is notoriously slow when
being accessed remotely. You can speed it up by looking for webrick/
config.rb in your ruby’s install path and changing the following:

:DoNotReverseLookup => nil


:DoNotReverseLookup => true

Erol F. wrote in post #947325:

I know you’ve already resolved your problem, but for the sake of
discussion, WEBrick in it’s default state is notoriously slow when
being accessed remotely. You can speed it up by looking for webrick/
config.rb in your ruby’s install path and changing the following:

:DoNotReverseLookup => nil


:DoNotReverseLookup => true

Thanks for the hint! Nevertheless I’ll try to avoid WEBrick in the
future :slight_smile:

Probably still couldn’t stick with Mongrel, Thin or whatever even with
that option enabled, right?

Erol F. wrote in post #947325:

I know you’ve already resolved your problem, but for the sake of
discussion, WEBrick in it’s default state is notoriously slow when
being accessed remotely. You can speed it up by looking for webrick/
config.rb in your ruby’s install path and changing the following:

:DoNotReverseLookup => nil


:DoNotReverseLookup => true

Thanks man! This solved here perfectly!

Thanks, I was still on WEBrick because Mongrel caused lot of trouble on
Rails 3 and Ruby 1.9.2 but I switched to thin and now 86 seconds became
3 seconds. Pretty alright :slight_smile: Still ridiculous performance from WEBrick.