Rspec error's when checking LayoutLinks from the railstutorials

I am following the rails tutorial:

Basically the test is something like:

require ‘spec_helper’

describe “LayoutLinks” do

it “should have a Home page at ‘/’” do
get ‘/’
response.should have_selector(‘title’, :content => “Home”)

root :to => ‘pages#home’

  1. I already googled and found
    ruby on rails - Why is Rspec saying "Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace"? - Stack Overflow

  2. I already tried changing the rspec version to 2.0.0.beta.18, but I
    still get the same error.

Here is the output:

dpalacio:sample_app dpalacio$ rspec -v
dpalacio:sample_app dpalacio$ rspec spec/requests/

Finished in 0.55501 seconds
5 examples, 5 failures

  1. LayoutLinks should have a Home page at ‘/’
    Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
    stack level too deep


Is there any other thing that might be causing the problem ?

On Oct 20, 2010, at 6:27 PM, Daniel Palacio wrote:

it “should have a Home page at ‘/’” do


Finished in 0.55501 seconds
5 examples, 5 failures

  1. LayoutLinks should have a Home page at ‘/’
    Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
    stack level too deep


At this point you should be using rails-3.0.1 and rspec-rails-2.0.1, and
webrat-0.7.2. Are those the versions you are using?

Hi Daniel,

Did you figure out a way to solve this problem? I run into the same
problem tool.


This is webrat 0.7.2 problem
Everything works fine with webrat 0.7.1