How to require specific version of gem in my project

Hi All,

I have installed two different versions of a gem (1.0.0 and 1.0.4)

My code :


require ‘test’ , ‘>= 1.3.6’


it gives me an error

rake aborted!
uninitialized constant Test

but i already installed this version of gem

Can any one help me …

On Dec 5, 2012, at 01:27 , Mallikarjuna Y. [email protected]

Hi All,

I have installed two different versions of a gem (1.0.0 and 1.0.4)

My code :


require ‘test’ , ‘>= 1.3.6’

require doesn’t take 2 args (as it doesn’t makes sense to be able to
require across 2+ versions of the same gem). From the rdoc:

% ri require

=== Implementation from Kernel

require(string)    => true or false

You want to specify that at the gem level using #gem:

% ri gem

(from gem rubygems-1.8.24)
=== Implementation from Kernel

gem(gem_name, *requirements)

So you want:

gem “test”, “>= 1.3.6” # assuming the gem name is actually “test”
require “test” # assuming there is a file “test.rb” in the gem

BUT… also note that your version specifier above will NOT match either
version you have installed.

Ryan D. wrote in post #1087894:

On Dec 5, 2012, at 01:27 , Mallikarjuna Y. [email protected]

Hi All,

I have installed two different versions of a gem (1.0.0 and 1.0.4)

My code :


require ‘test’ , ‘>= 1.3.6’

require doesn’t take 2 args (as it doesn’t makes sense to be able to
require across 2+ versions of the same gem). From the rdoc:

% ri require

=== Implementation from Kernel

require(string)    => true or false

You want to specify that at the gem level using #gem:

% ri gem

(from gem rubygems-1.8.24)
=== Implementation from Kernel

gem(gem_name, *requirements)

So you want:

gem “test”, “>= 1.3.6” # assuming the gem name is actually “test”
require “test” # assuming there is a file “test.rb” in the gem

BUT… also note that your version specifier above will NOT match either
version you have installed.

where i need to add these lines

gem “test”, “>= 1.3.6”
require “test”

in rakefile or Gemfile ?