One link/area on a https site with a different SSL config?


On a Wordpress website that works with a basic StartSSL certificate I
wonder if it is possible to configure nginx (1.4.4) to use a separate
self-signed cert with client certificate authentication for wp-login.php
and any link in wp-admin/ ?

So the regular[some/link] uses the StartSSL
cert for the https session

But the and* use a self-signed certficate with
client certificate authentication for the https session

Is that possible? If yes, any keywords or what to read up on are much


Hi Styopa,

On 09-01-14 22:48, Styopa S. wrote:


It’s not possible, because SSL works on lower level (session layer) than HTTP
(application layer).

Thank you for your feedback. That’s unfortunate. I hope to see flexible
SSL config one day as an enhancement (if possible). For now I guess I’ll
do IP based deny/allow instead.


Patrick L. wrote in post #1132735:

On 09-01-14 22:48, Styopa S. wrote:


It’s not possible, because SSL works on lower level (session layer) than HTTP
(application layer).

Thank you for your feedback. That’s unfortunate. I hope to see flexible
SSL config one day as an enhancement (if possible).

It is not possible, not with nginx nor any other web server. Read up on
how the SSL handshake and HTTP over SSL works, and it should become

On Jan 10, 2014, at 12:13 , Andreas S. wrote:

It is not possible, not with nginx nor any other web server. Read up on
how the SSL handshake and HTTP over SSL works, and it should become

It is actually possible, at least Apache can do this with SSL
But nginx currently does not support this.

On 10-01-14 09:16, Igor S. wrote:

SSL config one day as an enhancement (if possible).

It is not possible, not with nginx nor any other web server. Read up on
how the SSL handshake and HTTP over SSL works, and it should become

It is actually possible, at least Apache can do this with SSL renegotiation.
But nginx currently does not support this.

Thanks Igor. It’s good to know that it’s possible with Apache. I prefer
to stay with nginx so will use IP deny/allow for now.



It’s not possible, because SSL works on lower level (session layer) than
HTTP (application layer).

On Thursday, January 09, 2014 10:42:55 PM Patrick L. wrote:

But the and
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Best regards,
Styopa S…

Patrick L. wrote in post #1132735:

On 09-01-14 22:48, Styopa S. wrote:


It’s not possible, because SSL works on lower level (session layer)
than HTTP
(application layer).

Thank you for your feedback. That’s unfortunate. I hope to see flexible
SSL config one day as an enhancement (if possible).

It is not possible, not with nginx nor any other web server. Read up on
how the SSL handshake and HTTP over SSL works, and it should become

It is actually possible, at least Apache can do this with SSL
But nginx currently does not support this.

Expanding on this question, is it possible to use a different set of
for the client side and another set for the upstream server side?
Right now I can defined a server module with ssl and specify the ssl
certificates and specify a https protocol for proxy_pass for a location.
both connections end up using the same certificates specified with
$ssl_certificate. How can I specify different certificates for the
side connection and upstream side connection?

Thanks in advance.

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