Hey fellas,
I’m a MySQL to PostgreSQL “immigrant” due to Oracles fucking MySQL in
the ass lately, and I’ve migrated a Rails application successfully to
PostgreSQL 9. However, when running migrations/tests, etc., I get a
lot of notices similar to the following:
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence
“private_messages_id_seq” for serial column “private_messages.id”
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
“private_messages_pkey” for table “private_messages”
This is basically duplicated for each table that gets created. I
understand what it’s doing - basically just letting me know that it’s
setting up a sequence for the primary key in each table. That’s all
well and good, but it’s goddamn annoying - how the hell do I turn
these notices off? Additionally, is there something different I
should be doing in my migrations? Usually notices are there to tell
you that there’s something you should be doing a little differently,
and I realize that database agnosticism or not, there are going to be
some tangible differences between MySQL and PostgreSQL. Is there
something I need to do in my migrations to explicitly state that there
needs to be a sequence generated on the ‘id’ field so that it doesn’t
feel that it needs to toss out these notices?
One last thing: how the hell do you correctly pronounce PostgreSQL?
“Post-gray-sequel”, “Post-gress”, or something else? Additionally,
what’s the community’s opinion in general on performance for PGSQL 9
vs. MySQL 5.1? No holy wars here, please, just some constructive