Dear RoR’ers,
I would like to call in a bit of help from the more experienced members.
The situation and question is very simple (as it always is ;)).
For the next 20 days I have nothing on my hands except learning RoR, how
can I boost my skills in this short amount of time?
- which books should I read (can also be ones that are not directly
related to RoR) - Should I find a mentor? Where to look?
- Would it be wise to start by building a real-world project right-away?
What kind? - The most important question: what did I forget to ask?
In order for you to be able to give a decent answer I’ll give you some
more extra information on me, myself and I.
Where do I start?
- My programming background is in PHP (but let’s not talk about that too
much before I make you all sick :p) - suffice to know that I think I know the fundamental building blocks of
an application (MVC, OOP, REST, …) - I already read & marked the first half of Agile web development with
Rails (4th edition -> so Rails 3)
Where do I want arrive?
- In the future I would like to build applications on which I:
** can be proud of
** Rely on enough to sell to SME’s
Why do I want to invest my time?
- I’m already totally convinced of the framework idea.
- There are many frameworks, why why RoR?
** I just love the idea of convention over configuration
** I have the impression that people who invested there time in RoR have
a passion for their work, they are opinionized and professional.
** Who doesn’t want to join that ‘crew’?
Kind regards,