So, I’m looking to migrate a typo 2.6 installation to 4.1.1. Fate is
clearly punishing me for my laziness in not upgrading before.
In order to avoid hosing my production typo install I’ve taken a copy
(via cp -dpR) of the existing typo install, and done a dump/restore
from the production DB into a test DB.
RAILS_ENV is set to test; running typo install /home/rodgerd/typo-4.1.1
churns for a while and then:
Migrating Typo’s database to newest release
rake aborted!
Multiple migrations have the version number 1
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
`migrate’: Migration failed (RailsInstaller::InstallFailed)
So, thinks I, I’ll whack this with a bigger hammer, knowing full well
it’s probably a remarkably bad idea:
rake migrate VERSION=2 --trace
** Execute db:migrate
DEPRECATION WARNING: The inferred foreign_key name will change in Rails
2.0 to use the association name instead of its class name when they
differ. When using :class_name in belongs_to, use the :foreign_key
option to explicitly set the key name to avoid problems in the
transition. See Ruby on Rails — A web-app framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. for details.
(called from ./db/migrate//039_serialize_blog_attributes.rb:4)
rake aborted!
Multiple migrations have the version number 9
So, is this:
1/ A problem between chair and keyboard or
2/ A problem with the migrate scripts?
And is the best solution likely to be:
1/ Wait for a rails guru to fix the migrate scripts,
2/ Spend a few days learning how to fix the migrate scripts, or
3/ Uninstall 4.1.1, install 4.0, migrate 2.6 → 4.0 and thence to 4.1?
Rodger D. [email protected]
“Democracy is the worst form of government. Except, of course, for all
those other forms of government mankind has tried.”