403 Forbidden error with Mediawiki

I’m having a frustrating experience trying to get nginx to work properly
with mediawiki’s pretty urls. For some reason my configuration won’t
that my mediawiki installation is installed in a folder above root (said
folder is called /w/) and appears to be throwing out 403 forbidden
when trying to access my site.

The script itself works properly, and I have no problem with accessing
wiki installation my using mydomain.com/w/ - but if I don’t manually
that /w/ folder in the website address nginx will throw a 403 forbidden
error at me. I should also mention that root is empty apart from that
folder, which is why I suspect nginx is throwing that 403 message at me.

I don’t want to flood people’s emails with my giant nginx configuration,
I’ll include links to a pastebin dump which has them. I’ve also removed
personal information which could hint at where my site is hosted and/or
the domain is.

Nginx error log: http://pastebin.com/BZGWurYZ
Niginx configuration: http://pastebin.com/mFdHbEzm
Mediawiki settings: http://pastebin.com/nQuaZBdQ

I hope somebody can figure out where the fault is - I’ve been ripping
out my
hair over it.

Posted at Nginx Forum:

Why would Nginx automatically redirect mydomain.com do mydomain.com/w/
you don’t tell it to do so?

Your error log shows that you are trying to list the files of your root
directory (so it means you don’t have an index file to be served there),
which is forbidden by default Nginx configuration to avoid unwanted
directory listings (which is a great idea, as opposed to Apache’s

Try to include a redirection (see the rewrite directive
so that all your requests to your domain root are forwarded to the /w/

B. R.

Well, I feel pretty stupid now. I used an automatic script to generate
config and I just assumed that the rewrite would be included.

Thanks & Oops.

Posted at Nginx Forum: