A 64bit question?

I have been trying to implement the music sequencer in the mac
frameworks library. Most of the calls seem to work with the exception of
those that use the “MusicTimeStamp” type. This I think should be cast as
a double or float64. Most of the literature I have read seems to suggest
that Ruby can’t fake one of these numbers when calling an external
library. In which case should I look into wrapping the C functions
externally and do the typecasting myself?

David Sibley wrote:

I have been trying to implement the music sequencer in the mac
frameworks library. Most of the calls seem to work with the exception of
those that use the “MusicTimeStamp” type. This I think should be cast as
a double or float64. Most of the literature I have read seems to suggest
that Ruby can’t fake one of these numbers when calling an external
library. In which case should I look into wrapping the C functions
externally and do the typecasting myself?

just solved the problem by declaring a struct

    TypeCaster = struct [
        "MusicTimeStamp n",

then passing num.n below

    num = 'module name'::TypeCaster.malloc()
    num.n = 0.34