Hey guys,
Firstly I know that having a C extension in JRUBY is not a great idea,
however, I am kind of being forced in a way.
I have a system at the moment that uses a Ruby KDTree
It works, but its not very quick. I am using Jruby because of its great
performance and would love to stay with it.
To improve the speed of the KDTree, I found and used
GitHub - consti/tupalo-kdtree: Threadsafe KD-Tree Gem which is crazy quick, it also
the same syntax for use
http://rubydoc.info/gems/tupalo-kdtree/0.2.3/framesand it works great
under MRI 1.9.3 - it brings down on benchmark from 30
seconds to around 0.01 seconds.
However when I try and load this gem in Jruby it only works to load
JRUBY_OPTS=–1.8 - which is odd, but it loads find and installs.
However when I run the attached code, it runs incredibly slow. unless
decrease the number of objects going into the KDTree - almost as if it
out of memory?
require ‘rubygems’
require “benchmark”
gem ‘tupalo-kdtree’
require ‘kdtree’
#set the number of lat/lngs to go into KDTree
@kdsize = 10000000
sets up random lat longs and loads them into the KDTree - len = number
def setup_tree(len)
@points = (0…len).map { |i| [rand_coord, rand_coord, i ] }
@kdtree = KDTree.new(@points)
little method to generate random lat/lngs
def rand_coord
rand(0) * 10 - 5
looks up random lat long to find nearest neighbour inside KDTree
def test_nearestk
pt = []
@list = []
2000.times do
pt = [rand_coord, rand_coord]
@list << @kdtree.nearest(pt[0],pt[1])
#create KDTree (takes the longest)
#Benchmark the time it takes to lookup @list for nearest neighboard in
Benchmark.bm do |x|
x.report do
If you change @kdsize to 1000 it works pretty well!
I do not know why this doesn’t run will inside of Jruby, and if it is a
really stupid idea can someone think of an alternative? I am a bit
But would love to get away from the 30 seconds it takes to run the
ruby code and use the C code.
This is my first post in here, sorry if it is too much!
Thanks Charlie