A form that calls JS only (w/no POST or GET)?

I need to do some JS processing in the client before contacting the
server (fwiw, this is for Google geocoding). The JS does its processing
and concocts a form to send back to the server. The latter part is
working fine.

In a previous iteration, I had the following. It activated the JS code
on any change to the text field, and worked (although now I know I
should use a text_field_tag rather than abusing a text_field):

<input type=“hidden” id=“authenticity_token” value="<%=
form_authenticity_token %>">

Type an address: <%= text_field :raw, :address, :onchange => "geocodeAddress()" %>

But now now that I’ve added another field, my instinct says to create a
form with a submit button. But I don’t see how to create a form that
does NOT submit HTML when the submit button is pushed. Here’s the
errant form. What I want is the “search” button to call
geocodeAddress() and nothing more.

<%= form_tag(premises_path, :remote => true) do %>
<%= hidden_field_tag(“authenticity_token”, form_authenticity_token,
:id => “authenticity_token”) %>
<%= label_tag(“address”, “Type an address:”) %>
<%= text_field_tag(“raw_address”, nil, :size => 96, :id =>
“raw_address”) %>
<%= label_tag(“occupants”, “Occupants:”) %>
<%= select_tag(“occupants”, options_for_select([0.5, …, 8.0], 2.0))
<%= submit_tag(“search”, :onchange => “geocodeAddress()”) %>
<% end %>

Suggestions? (Perhaps I could just lose the form altogether…)

  • ff

P.S.: Marnen, I know what you’re thinking! :slight_smile: I’ll reframe it as UJS
once I get the basics working.

Sounds like you want a button with the onclick event. If so, there’s
(apparently) a helper for that:


djangst wrote in post #971568:

Sounds like you want a button with the onclick event. If so, there’s
(apparently) a helper for that:


@djangst: that’s what I’ve ended up doing. Upon reflection, I’m
wondering why I thought everything needed to be in a form. Works fine
without it, as in:

<%= hidden_field_tag(“authenticity_token”, form_authenticity_token, :id
=> “authenticity_token”) %>
<%= text_field_tag(“raw_address”, nil, :size => 96, :id =>
“raw_address”) %>
<%= select_tag(“occupants”, options_for_select([0.5, … 8.0], 2.0)) %>
<%= submit_tag(“search for address”, :onclick => “geocodeAddress()”) %>