I have a problem w/ my associations, you can look at it on my pastie
up above.
Please help me out, thanks!
I have a problem w/ my associations, you can look at it on my pastie
up above.
Please help me out, thanks!
DanielFischer.com wrote:
I have a problem w/ my associations, you can look at it on my pastie
up above.Please help me out, thanks!
SQLite tells you:
no such column: messages.user_id
As far as I can tell you only have author_id and recipient_id in the
messages table. So what you need to do is to change your User model from
has_many :messages to has_many :incoming_messages and has_many
:outgoing_messages or whatever and hook it up with the corresponding
foreign keys and classes just like you do in the Message model.
If you want to find all messages you could:
class User
def messages
incoming_messages + outgoing_messages
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