A Very huge list of Ruby, Rails, IronRuby Books

A Very huge list of Ruby, Rails, IronRuby Books arriving in 2008/2009.

Have a look at this blog by RubyWorld. Its worth to bookmark this.

Hope this would help many students here


Mongrel - Zed S…interesting. I thought he bailed on the Rails
community after his little tirade…now he’s got a book coming out.

On Jul 27, 11:53 pm, Web R. removed_email_address@domain.invalid

Yeah, because it only takes a couple of weeks to put together a book.
There’s also this thing called a “contract”, you might want to look it

Instead of bashing Zed, how about you read up on this book and what
it’s about? Instead of just being about Mongrel, he’s writing about
developing high performance, secure web servers by showing how he
built Mongrel, the ideas and concepts he used, especially Ragel and
state machines for protocol parsing.
