So like many other beginners in Rails I’m following along to Michael
Hartl’s tutorial. I’m nearing the end, and I’m thinking I would like to
implement the ability for users (in the social network) to upload pics
along with their comments and maybe even add a text editor type thing
sure the correct term for this either)… ? Can this be accomplished
through a gem, and/or is this something a little advanced for a newbie
myself? Really appreciate your feedback!
Colin Mr. wrote in post #1144182:
So like many other beginners in Rails I’m following along to Michael
Hartl’s tutorial. I’m nearing the end, and I’m thinking I would like to
implement the ability for users (in the social network) to upload pics
along with their comments and maybe even add a text editor type thing
sure the correct term for this either)… ? Can this be accomplished
through a gem, and/or is this something a little advanced for a newbie
myself? Really appreciate your feedback!
Text area (as in the tag) has no support for image data. It
accepts plain text only. In order to upload images you need a along with adding the enctype=“multipart/formdata”
attribute to the form tag (<form enctype=“multipart/formdata” …>).
There are gems to help you with this:
I’ve used Paperclip myself in the past, but have also heard good things
about Carrierwave.
Thanks, exactly what I was looking for!