Access Databases and ADODB

For accessing Jet databases with ADODB, this is an interesting article:

However I can’t find more complete information on the methods available.
Can anyone suggest a good source?

Mike S. wrote:

For accessing Jet databases with ADODB, this is an interesting article:

Ruby on Windows: access

However I can’t find more complete information on the methods available.
Can anyone suggest a good source?

Beyond this…

…what, specifically, would you like to know?


Hi David

I’m trying to see if your example maps to VBA.

For VBA you need to call recordset.Fields.Refresh whereas you don’t do
that in your example. How’s that work?

Also there are related methods like MoveFirst, MoveNext, Update, Addnew.
I could experiment to see if analogies exist under ruby win32ole, but I
hoped it might be documented somewhere. Where did you look?

Finally - VBA has more parameters in the Open eg adOpenDynamic.

How are you getting on with your book?