when i run this command: rake db:schema:load i get:
access denied for root@localhost
i’m 101% sure i entered the correct login name and password in
config\database.yml. i can go inside mysql environment using the
credentials in database.yml. i also tried to run ruby script/console and
i was able to get to the development environment.
are there any config file that i missed?
thank you!
Hi, can you access the database from the command?
On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 10:59 PM, Joey B.
<[email protected]
Conrad T. wrote:
Hi, can you access the database from the command?
like if i do?
mysql -u root -p
then yes. same user and password in database.yml file. i can’t quite
figure out what is missing in my rails app.
Looks like a mysql issue…
try this:
mysql> show grants for root@localhost;
Should give you something like this:
| Grants for root@localhost
1 row in set (0.02 sec)
This is root access to . all databases with NO password… if there
is an identified by then you have a password…
Looks like an issue with mysql grants too me.
When you access mysql from the command line and run \s what does it
say under current user? root@localhost? or [email protected] ?
Maye you have access to “see” the database but doing schema load you
might be missing the correct CREATE,INSERT grants?
Here would be the give all access command:
grant all on your_database.* to ‘root’@‘localhost’ identified by
hi heimdull,
thank you for your time. i did as you suggested but still can’t get
through this problem.
as mentioned, i am able to go to mysql environment using the same user
name and password in config/database.yml. likewise, i can also go inside
rails’ development environment through ruby script/server.
what’s more puzzling is if i generate a new app, (ie. rails testap),
then make config/database.yml similar with the other, it does work fine.
i should also mention that i’m trying to install coupa.
any other ideas why a rake db:schema:load would return the access denied
i noticed that sometimes the error messages returned by rake(?) does not
actually relate to the actual problem. so this could be one of those.
thank you!