ActionMailer with no auth


How can I send mail via ActionMailer connecting to the SMTP server
with no Authentication?
I’ve tried to ommit the the authentication key on the configuration
hash, I’ve tried to set it to nil and all I get is an error message
saying that my server do not implement crum-MD5 authentication.
I don’t want to use authentication, how do I do that?


Ricardo A.
[email protected]
Acras Desenvolvimento de Sistemas


Have you tried setting it to :plain?


Yes, Didn’t work.

On 4/30/07, Tim R. [email protected] wrote:

Subject: [Rails] Re: ActionMailer with no auth

hash, I’ve tried to set it to nil and all I get is an error message

Ricardo A.
[email protected]
Acras Desenvolvimento de Sistemas

I looked this issue up in the rails cookbook and it says that
should be set to nil for no authentication. Have not actually done it
but it
sounds reasonable.
