ActionView::Template::Error (comparison of Fixnum with nil failed):

Hello I’m a newbie,

Our server went down recently and now I’m getting page not found when I
to purchase a product.

Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.21

Here’s the information from the log file.

ActionView::Template::Error (comparison of Fixnum with nil failed):

3: <% end %>

4: <div id="checkout">

5:   <h1><%= t("checkout")%></h1>

6:   <%= checkout_progress %>

7:   <br clear="left" />

8:   <%= render "shared/error_messages", :target => @order %>

9:     <%if @order.state != "confirm"%>

app/helpers/checkout_helper.rb:16:in `<’

app/helpers/checkout_helper.rb:16:in `checkout_progress’

app/helpers/checkout_helper.rb:9:in `map’

app/helpers/checkout_helper.rb:9:in `checkout_progress’



<% content_for :head do %>
<%= javascript_include_tag ‘checkout’, ‘/states’ %>
<% end %>

<%= t("checkout")%>

<%= checkout_progress %>
<%= render "shared/error_messages", :target => @order %> <%if @order.state != "confirm"%> <%= hook :checkout_summary_box do %>
<%= render 'summary', :order => @order %>
<% end %> <%end%>
<%= form_for @order, :url => update_checkout_path(@order.state), :html => { :id => "*checkout_form_#{@order.state* }" } do |form| %> <%= render @order.state, :form => form %> <% end %>

Any ideas?

the error is in checkout_helper line 16. Can you post that method?

Oscar Del B.
Sent with Sparrow (

On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 3:46:55 PM UTC-4, yatta20 wrote:

Here’s the information from the log file.

app/helpers/checkout_helper.rb:9:in `map’
<% content_for :head do %>
<%= render ‘summary’, :order => @order %>

Any ideas?

Checkout help
module CheckoutHelper
def checkout_progress
if Gateway.current and Gateway.current.payment_profiles_supported?
states = %w(address delivery payment confirm complete)
states = %w(address delivery payment complete)
items = do |state|
text = t(“order_state.#{state}”).titleize
css_classes = []
current_index = states.index(@order.state)
state_index = states.index(state)
if state_index < current_index
css_classes << ‘completed’
text = link_to text, checkout_state_path(state)
css_classes << ‘next’ if state_index == current_index + 1
css_classes << ‘current’ if state == @order.state
css_classes << ‘first’ if state_index == 0
css_classes << ‘last’ if state_index == states.length - 1
# It’d be nice to have separate classes but combining them with a
dash helps out for IE6 which only sees the last class
content_tag(‘li’, content_tag(‘span’, text), :class =>
content_tag(‘ol’, raw(items.join("\n")), :class => ‘progress-steps’,
:id => “checkout-step-#{@order.state}”)

def address_field(form, method, id_prefix = “b”, &handler)
content_tag :p, :id => [id_prefix, method].join, :class => “field”
if handler
is_required = Address.required_fields.include?(method)
separator = is_required ? ‘
’ :

form.label(method) + separator.html_safe +
form.text_field(method, :class => is_required ? ‘required’ :
def address_state(form, country)
country ||= Country.find(Spree::Config[:default_country_id])
have_states = !country.states.empty?
state_elements = [
form.collection_select(:state_id, country.states.order(:name),
:id, :name,
{:include_blank => true},
{:class => have_states ? “required” :
:disabled => !have_states}) +
:class => !have_states ? “required” : “hidden”,
:disabled => have_states)
].join.gsub(’"’, “’”).gsub("\n", “”)
form.label(:state, t(:state)) + '’.html_safe +
content_tag(:noscript, form.text_field(:state_name, :class =>
‘required’)) +

On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 3:58:34 PM UTC-4, Oscar Del B. wrote:

I’m very new. Do I need to delete the block of code “if state_index <
current_index” ?

if state_index < current_index

either one or the other is nil, that’s your problem.

Oscar Del B.
Sent with Sparrow (

No, and we can’t help you here because it really depends on the business
logic. I recommend you find someone (offline) experienced that helps you
with that problem.

Oscar Del B.
Sent with Sparrow (

On 17 July 2012 21:20, yatta20 [email protected] wrote:

Ok thank you

If it used to work and now does not then something must have changed.
Perhaps you can work out what has changed somehow.


On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 4:24:10 PM UTC-4, Colin L. wrote:


It’s been working for months. That was my thought process as well. I
contacted the IT about his changes to the server.

Caused by the cart (or order, maybe) looking for some data that is not
there, probably. It can be avoided by using another user. Or maybe also
clearing that users cart.

What I can say for sure is this: it is user/order/cart[line item]
and it’s not just happening in this one case.

Could very well be a bug, sorry I’m unable to help or post the issue on
Github with more detail.

On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 4:09:36 PM UTC-4, Oscar Del B. wrote:

No, and we can’t help you here because it really depends on the business
logic. I recommend you find someone (offline) experienced that helps you
with that problem.

Oscar Del B.
Sent with Sparrow

Ok thank you