Following code used to work but suddenly I am getting an error which I
am not able to decipher. Any help is appreciated
ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `comment_count=’ for
#<Facebooker::User::Status:0xb6c382bc @message={}, @time=“0”>) on line #3 of meetings/list.fbml.erb:
3: Hi <%= @current_facebook_user.first_name %>, Welcome to trymeet.
I had exactly the same problem. Infact, this occours from time to time
with various field-names.
Open vendor/plugins/facebooker/lib/facebooker/models/user.rb and add the
“comment_count”-field to the attr_accessor-list (should be in line 12).
It should look like:
Have updated the User/Status class to include the extra filed as
described above but am still receiving an invlaid parameter error. Was
this definitly the solution to the problem…?
Ma Mü wrote:
I had exactly the same problem. Infact, this occours from time to time
with various field-names.
Open vendor/plugins/facebooker/lib/facebooker/models/user.rb and add the
“comment_count”-field to the attr_accessor-list (should be in line 12).
It should look like:
Are you sure you edited the correct line and restarted your app? Sorry I
know this is obvious, but I don’t what else could cause the problem.
After these changes it’s working like a charm for me.
require 'facebooker/model'
require 'facebooker/models/affiliation'
require 'facebooker/models/work_info'
require 'active_support'
module Facebooker
# Holds attributes and behavior for a Facebook User
class User
include Model
class Status
include Model
attr_accessor :message, :time, :status_id, :comment_count # <--
FIELDS = ...
Are you sure you edited the correct line and restarted your app? Sorry I
know this is obvious, but I don’t what else could cause the problem.
After these changes it’s working like a charm for me.
require 'facebooker/model'
> require 'facebooker/models/affiliation'
> require 'facebooker/models/work_info'
> require 'active_support'
> module Facebooker
> #
> # Holds attributes and behavior for a Facebook User
> class User
> include Model
> class Status
> include Model
> attr_accessor :message, :time, :status_id, :comment_count # <--
> end
> FIELDS = ...
I had exactly the same problem. Infact, this occours from time to time
with various field-names.
Open vendor/plugins/facebooker/lib/facebooker/models/user.rb and add the
“comment_count”-field to the attr_accessor-list (should be in line 12).
It should look like:
Thanks a lot Ma Mu…I appreciate it. Your solution did work…
Please correct me here, This code just worked before day back and
started giving this trouble. Is it because Facebooker plug-in is
Thanks for insight and quick response Have a good day.
Rajan B.
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