Hi all,
We just updated our app to rails 4.2, and implemented ActiveJob for our
background jobs (were using Resque). I’ve read the docs and the code,
and I
couldn’t find a “best practice” to accept custom types as job arguments.
I’ve managed to make a class serializable by mixing in
GlobalID::Identification and implementing .find and #id methods. But
then I
started to have more errors, particularly with BigDecimal and
ActiveRecord::AssociationRelation parameters.
The quick fix was to create an initializer and reopen
to override the serialize_argument method and accept those methods. I
it’s not the best option as for example relation arguments would get
converted to an array and it could be a lot of records.
So I wanted to know your opinion and how would you do it.
Other possible solution would be just to get the id of each record in
relation ( .pluck(:id) ) and then finding each record in the job worker
again, but then what would be the point of having ActiveJob