Note that the username and password are commented out… I’ve been trying
them with various settings but I’m not sure what to use… or if to use
at all. The wiki is not very clear. Thanks!
Note that the username and password are commented out… I’ve been trying
them with various settings but I’m not sure what to use… or if to use
them at all. The wiki is not very clear. Thanks!
I found that the m mailbox number worked more reliably than
the user name. I also found that :plain worked more reliably than
:login, though I was never able to find a reason why this would be the
case. :login would work fine about 50% of the time, :plain worked 100%.
Disclaimer: it’s been a couple of months, so things may have changed.
However, the above setup still works reliably (when the load on my
server isn’t &$# 56.06, which it is right now).
–Al Evans
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