I have the following code in a RoR project, models and tests are all in
the proper directories:
require File.dirname(FILE) + ‘/…/test_helper’
class GalleryTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
fixtures :galleries
@gallery = nil
def test_presence_of
@gallery = Gallery.new
@gallery.title = ‘My test gallery’
@gallery.nr = 123
image = Image.new(1, 100, ‘jpg’)
@gallery.images = Array.new
@gallery.images << image
assert @gallery.valid?
class Gallery < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :title, :nr, :images
validates_numericality_of :nr
validates_length_of :title, :in => 1…255
has_many :images
class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :nr, :sort_nr, :ext
validates_presence_of :sort_nr
validates_presence_of :ext
belongs_to :gallery
def initialize(nr, sort_nr, ext)
@nr = nr
@sort_nr = sort_nr
@ext = ext
When I run the gallery test file, ruby shows me the following error:
NoMethodError: You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.[]
record/base.rb:1871:in read_attribute' ... record/transactions.rb:121:in
record/transactions.rb:129:in save' test/unit/gallery_test.rb:23:in
It has something to do with gallery.images, but I can’t figure out how
to fix this.
Another question (offtopic): Why does it take 10 seconds for the test to
start running? This gets annoying when you want to “code a little, test
a little”.
On 15 May 2008, at 06:40, Aa Aa wrote:
@nr = nr
@sort_nr = sort_nr
@ext = ext
You’re overriding activerecord’s initialize function, but without
calling super, so stuff is not initialized properly (and thus crazy
stuff happens. In addition activerecord attributes are not persisted
as instance variables so you inititialize function doesn’t do what you
think it does. Why do you need a custom initialize at all ?
Another question (offtopic): Why does it take 10 seconds for the
test to
start running? This gets annoying when you want to “code a little,
a little”.
Probably because certain bits of ruby are a lot slower on windows
(there was another thread about this a day or 2 ago)
On 15 May 2008, at 11:01, Aa Aa wrote:
my_image.sort_nr = 1
my_image.ext = ‘jpg’
Is there another way to send arguments to initialize without doing an
Image.new :nr => 123, :sort_nr => 1, :ext => ‘jpg’
Frederick C. wrote:
On 15 May 2008, at 06:40, Aa Aa wrote:
@nr = nr
@sort_nr = sort_nr
@ext = ext
You’re overriding activerecord’s initialize function, but without
calling super, so stuff is not initialized properly (and thus crazy
stuff happens. In addition activerecord attributes are not persisted
as instance variables so you inititialize function doesn’t do what you
think it does. Why do you need a custom initialize at all ?
Another question (offtopic): Why does it take 10 seconds for the
test to
start running? This gets annoying when you want to “code a little,
a little”.
Probably because certain bits of ruby are a lot slower on windows
(there was another thread about this a day or 2 ago)
Can’t test it right now, but super could be the issue indeed. I did a
initialize override so I could do this
my_image = Image.New(123, 1, ‘jpg’)
instead of
my_image = Image.New
my_image.nr = 123
my_image.sort_nr = 1
my_image.ext = ‘jpg’
Is there another way to send arguments to initialize without doing an
Frederick C. wrote:
On 15 May 2008, at 11:01, Aa Aa wrote:
my_image.sort_nr = 1
my_image.ext = ‘jpg’
Is there another way to send arguments to initialize without doing an
Image.new :nr => 123, :sort_nr => 1, :ext => ‘jpg’
Thanks Fred, the test is working now. I’ve removed the initialize and
used the => thing instead.