Hey All,
Continuing with my jRuby adventures on Google App Engine, I’m pleased
to produce another Rails/GAE gem called ActiveSupport-JCache. It is a
thin wrapper around the JCache API that allows Rails.cache to call
Google App Engine’s Memcache API. It should also work with other
caches that support JCache API (like Ehcache).
-Rails Cache that works with Google App Engine
-Wraps JCache API as JcacheStore
More Info: http://tr.im/railsjcache
RubyForge: http://rubyforge.org/projects/am-javamail/
Source: GitHub - rykov/activesupport-jcache: jRuby library to support JCache as a Rails.cache backend
Google App Engine Demo: http://pagerduty.missingfeature.com/ (Click on
“my sites” on the top bar to add your own sites)
Feedback and contributions are welcome/encouraged.
michael at missingfeature.com
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