How easy would it be to add fixed text to the end of each post in the
feed? I don’t mean in the actual post itself, but automagically
inserted on publish - only in the feed.
This could eventually lead to include advertising in feeds without
the need to go through feedburner, but for right now it’s a good way
to add a disclaimer/license to posts.
How easy would it be to add fixed text to the end of each post in the
feed? I don’t mean in the actual post itself, but automagically
inserted on publish - only in the feed.
Shouldn’t be too hard (but you’re going to be repeating yourself a
fair bit if you do it for all possible feed types), just add some
static content to your app/views/xml/_<feed_type>_item_article.rxml
templates (I think you should be able to do that in your theme
directory but I haven’t tried it).
Making it configurable would be rather more work, which I think I want
to put off until Sam Ruby’s finished his sterling work on getting our
feeds to be compliant.
directory but I haven’t tried it).
Dear me you think it would be easy, but it isn’t. I can kill the
feed compliance by putting a made up tag in (I can live with that for
now). Something along the lines of after each item using
xm.rights “This is the rights to this”
Which of course shows up in the feed source, but not in the actual
feeds when in a feedreader.
Does anybody actually have more than a clue with this and know what
tags will be displayed in RSS2.0 and Atom? Or have I missed the
point and it’s actually a lot easier to put it in some other form?
I really don’t want to have to crawl through specs…
Hmm… there is a Dublin Core metadata tag called exactly that. I don’t
know what this ‘xm’ object does with regards to namespaces, but a dc:rights tag with the correct namespace for Dublin Core would be valid,
and correct.
(Whoops, oh yeah, except for some reason the Atom group eventually chose
to reuse Dublin Core even though almost all their element names are
identical. So over there it’s just with the Atom namespace.)
static content to your app/views/xml/_<feed_type>_item_article.rxml
templates (I think you should be able to do that in your theme
directory but I haven’t tried it).
Dear me you think it would be easy, but it isn’t. I can kill the
feed compliance by putting a made up tag in (I can live with that
for now). Something along the lines of after each item
Have you tried doing:
xm.content(“type” => “text/html”) do
item.full_html if this_blog.show_extended_on_rss
p(‘This content gets added to the end of every article’)
Dear me you think it would be easy, but it isn’t. I can kill the
feed compliance by putting a made up tag in (I can live with that for
now). Something along the lines of after each item using
xm.rights “This is the rights to this”
Hmm… there is a Dublin Core metadata tag called exactly that. I don’t
what this ‘xm’ object does with regards to namespaces, but a dc:rights
with the correct namespace for Dublin Core would be valid, and correct.
Which of course shows up in the feed source, but not in the actual
feeds when in a feedreader.
That’s another issue too. I’m betting that even with the metadata tag
there, feed readers don’t necessarily bother rendering it. Either that,
I’ve simply never seen anyone use the tag.
xm.content(“type” => “text/html”) do
item.full_html if this_blog.show_extended_on_rss
p(‘This content gets added to the end of every article’)
Which seems like it should work to me.
No I haven’t. Feedvalidator doesn’t like ‘text/html’ so I was trying
to avoid it. Might be good for a quick fix, I’ll give that a go when
I get some stability.
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