My product table is
id type price location
1 chips $3 aisle3
I have a question with adding the products in groups.
There is a quantity field(nonmodel) where the user can enter the
While adding a new product if the user enters:
type: soda
quantity: 3
Then 3 records should be created in product model with type= soda like
the following.
id type
2 soda
3 soda
4 soda
If user enters
location: aisle4
quantity: 2
id location
5 ailse4
6 ailse4
Can you tell me how to pass the nonmodel field ‘quantity’ to the
rails(model or controller) and how use it to add the products in
groups as mentioned above? or should I create a column called quantity
in my product table? Will the history be updated too for all these new
records with after_create filter which I already have created?
Is there any good tutorial or book which shows how to pass such nonmodel
html/javascript fields from view to rails and then back to the view?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I think it makes most sence to have a “stock” field in the database,
instead of having one record per stock item.
how to pass such nonmodel html/javascript fields from view
to rails and then back to the view
You mean “non database” fields, right?
Add this to the model:
attr_accessor :attribute_name
Then you can use this field like any other field, except that it wont be
stored in the database.
Seems a little odd what you are doing however to answer your question:
You can add a text_field_tag or a select_tag to your form
<%=text_field_tag :quantity%>
You can then get that via params[:quantity] in your controller from
there you can either pass to your model/business logic class or do a
1.upto(params[:quantity].to_i) do |i|
Personally though I would seriously consider relooking at the way you
are working and perhaps normalize your data so you have 3 models:
has_many :products
has_many :products
belongs_to :location
belongs_to :type
Then you can do the reverse and use fields_for to add multiple products
to a location. Similar to this
(#196 Nested Model Form Part 1 - RailsCasts)