Adding paths inside rails engine

In a application I am working on I have added forms path to app path
where I keep my app specific forms. My application searches if file is
present inside my app/forms folder or any other forms folder which can
be added later. In order this to work I have added:
config.paths[“forms”] = Rails.root.join(‘app/forms’) to application.rb

I am in the process of transforming part of application to engine.
According to what I have found yet this should work:


module MyApp
class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
paths[“forms”] = File.expand_path("…/…/…/app/forms", FILE)
p paths

p paths actually shows that path[“forms”] is added to paths, but after
that in my application if I do:
p Rails.configuration.paths

doesn’t include it.

What am I doing wrong?
