So far I’ve been working on development mode on my computer using
RadRails, dev database and that. I have now something I want to start
using in real life but I must continue to develop as well.
I have the server hosted. So my initial idea is about continuing the
development on my PC and then have a mirror on the public domain which I
update with the changes I do at home. I can use the production db in the
public one (not sure if it brings any benefits with this deployment
I would be glad to know how you are doing deployments or if you know a
good doc to check for good practices. Also if you think that working
that way makes sense.
Also if you want to mention something I shouldn’t do I’ll be happy to
follow your advice
I’m using this first Ruby on Rails site to learn from it. It is not a
very complex application I have but I’ll be changing many things.
Thanks in advance!
I would be glad to know how you are doing deployments or if you know a
good doc to check for good practices.
For a book with good advices on that topic, you can check out:
http://pragprog.com/titles/fr_deploy (beta book)
Be sure to read bout Capistrano (http://www.capify.org/) - you’ll find
more informations on the google group :
hope this helps
Be sure to read bout Capistrano (http://www.capify.org/) - you’ll find
more informations on the google group : http://groups.google.com/group/capistrano
The last peepcode episode is about Capistrano 2, I haven’t see yet,
but Im sure that will be a good source.
Pedro Del G.
Email : [email protected]
Hi, thanks for the pointers.
I actually purchased the beta book (half is still missing) since it
seems to cover some basic stuff that I need to know. So far I like the
book, already found some bad things about my shared server 8-P
My shared server does not support Mongrel so I’ll have to fight with
Apache and FastCGI. Also there is no Subversion and I’m not sure if
Capistrano can be very usefull without it (need to read more
So…I can’t change my host at this point so I’ll probably need to go
the hard way with that setup.