Note: I am not an expert at ruby.
I am working on ibm_db gem, its an adapter developed using ruby C extension, which helps ruby & rails applications to connect to DB2 database.
Under github source is at ibmdb/ruby-ibmdb/
As of now ibm_db gem is compatible with ruby v 3.1.
Now I am trying to make ibm_db gem compatible with ruby v 3.2.3.
All my test cases were working for ruby v 3.1, but post upgrading to ruby v 3.2.3, most of my test cases are failing.
After debugging using gdb what I see is, my ruby test cases calls ruby C extension API passing required arguments, but inside C extension code arguments are not parsed, indeed nothing is read. Because of this most of test cases are failing.
Below is a sample ruby script which when run calls ibm_db extension,
$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'ibm_db'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> conn = IBM_DB.connect("DATABASE=sample;HOSTNAME=waldevdbclnxtst06.dev.rocketsoftware.com;PORT=60000;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=zurbie;PWD=A2m8test;",'','')
(irb):2: warning: undefining the allocator of T_DATA class IBM_DB::Connection
=> #<IBM_DB::Connection:0x00007ff60314ce58>
irb(main):003:0> stmt = IBM_DB.exec conn,'create table abc(C1 int)'
=> false
irb(main):005:0> IBM_DB.close(conn)
=> true
irb(main):006:0> exit
Above, If you observe IBM_DB.exec is called passing two arguments conn & string with create table query.
In extension code ibmdb/ruby-ibmdb/blob/master/IBM_DB_Driver/ibm_db.c,
below function will be called
VALUE ibm_db_exec(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &connection, &stmt, &options);
Note: Please refer ibm_db.c under github ibmdb/ruby-ibmdb/blob/master/IBM_DB_Driver/ibm_db.c for complete code.
rb_scan_args used to parse arguments very well in ruby v 3.1, but now its failing to do so. I see stmt parameter doesnt hold anything.
I just want to know whats issue here, Am I passing arguments in wrong way (in ruby script), or am I not using rb_scan_args properly ?
To reproduce,
Install ruby v 3.2.3,
Install ibm_db gem version 5.4.1 (latest)
Run above sample ruby script using IRB.
Response at earliest is much appreciated.